KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace models{
2 namespace muscle{
3 namespace functions{
6 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
7  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
8  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
9  *
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11  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
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14  *
15  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
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17  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
18  */
30  public: /* ( Constant ) */
32  static const LatestLinearizationLambda = 5;
35  public:
37  b;
39  d;
43  t0 = "[]";
45  ft0 = "[]";
48  public:
51  if nargin < 3
52  max_modulus = [];
53  /* Take data from fit to original function over [1 1.3]
54  * -> general.functions.MarkertLaw.test_FitToOriginal(general.functions.MarkertLawOriginal,[1 1.3]); */
55  if nargin < 2
56  d = 0.1660;
57  if nargin < 1
58  b = 1.3720e8;
59  end
60  end
61  end
62  this.b= b;
63  this.d= d;
64  if ~isempty(max_modulus) /* && d > 1 */
66  [f,df] = this.getFunction;
67  rightval = 2;
68  found = false;
69  while ~found
70  pts = linspace(1,rightval,3);
71  /* Compute maxit to the numer of iterations where the
72  * interval length divided by 2^maxit < eps */
73  maxit = ceil(log((pts(3)-pts(1))/eps)/log(2));
74  it = 0; diff = Inf;
75  while diff > sqrt(eps) && it < maxit;
76  fpts = df(pts)-max_modulus;
77  if fpts(2) < 0
78  pts = [pts(2) (pts(2)+pts(3))/2 pts(3)];
79  else
80  pts = [pts(1) (pts(1)+pts(2))/2 pts(2)];
81  end
82  diff = abs(fpts(2));
83  it = it+1;
84  if pts(2) > this.LatestLinearizationLambda
85  found = true;
86  break;
87  end
88  end
89  if rightval-pts(2) < 1e-10
90  rightval = rightval*2;
91  /* fprintf('Increasing right interval value to %d\n',rightval); */
92  else
93  found = true;
94  end
95  end
96  this.t0= pts(2);
97  fprintf(" Found t0=%5.3g with diff %g to max modulus/derivative of %g after %d iterations (b=%g, d=%g).\n ",...
98  this.t0,diff,max_modulus,it,b,d);
99  this.ft0= f(this.t0);
100  this.max_modulus= max_modulus;
101  end
102  }
105  function [fhandle , dfhandle , fbdhandle , dfbdhandle ] = getFunction() {
106  b1 = this.b;
107  d1 = this.d;
108  tlin = this.t0;
109  if ~isempty(tlin)
110  mm = this.max_modulus;
111  ftlin = this.ft0;
112  /* fhandle = @(t)(t<tlin).*max(0,b1.*(t.^d1-1)) + (t>=tlin).*(ftlin + mm*(t-tlin));
113  *dfhandle = @(t)(t<tlin).*max(0,b1.*((d1-2).*t.^d1+2)) + (t>=tlin)*mm; */
114  fhandle = @(t)(t >= 1 & t<tlin).*(b1./t.^2.*(t.^d1-1).*(t-1).^2)...
115  + (t>=tlin).*(ftlin + mm*(t-tlin));
116  dfhandle = @(t)(t >= 1 & t<tlin).*(b1.*(t-1)./t.^3.*((d1*(t-1)+2).*t.^d1-2)) ...
117  + (t>=tlin)*mm;
118  fbdhandle = @(t,b1,d1)(t >= 1 & t<tlin).*(b1./t.^2.*(t.^d1-1).*(t-1).^2)...
119  + (t>=tlin).*(ftlin + mm*(t-tlin));
120  dfbdhandle = @(t,b1,d1)(t >= 1 & t<tlin).*(b1.*(t-1)./t.^3.*((d1*(t-1)+2).*t.^d1-2)) ...
121  + (t>=tlin)*mm;
122  else
123 /* fhandle = @(t)max(0,b1.*(t.^d1-1));
124  * dfhandle = @(t)max(0,b1.*((d1-2).*t.^d1+2)); */
125  fhandle = @(t)(t>=1).*(b1./t.^2.*(t.^d1-1).*(t-1).^2);
126  dfhandle = @(t)(t>=1).*b1.*(t-1)./t.^3.*((d1*(t-1)+2).*t.^d1-2);
127  fbdhandle = @(t,b1,d1)(t>=1).*(b1./t.^2.*(t.^d1-1).*(t-1).^2);
128  dfbdhandle = @(t,b1,d1)(t>=1).*b1.*(t-1)./t.^3.*((d1*(t-1)+2).*t.^d1-2);
129  end
130  }
133  function str = getConfigStr() {
134  str = sprintf(" b: %g, d: %g, MaxModulus:%g ",this.b,this.d,this.max_modulus);
135  }
138  function plot(range,varargin) {
139  if nargin < 2
140  if ~isempty(this.t0)
141  range = [1 1.2*this.t0];
142  else
143  range = [1 1.2];
144  end
145  end
146  plot@general.functions.AFunGen(this, " R ", range, varargin[:]);
147  if (range(2) > this.t0)
148  ax = get(gcf," Children ");
149  ax = ax(2); /* second one is the left one - hope this is reproducible */
151  hold(ax," on ");
152  plot(ax,this.t0,this.ft0," rx "," MarkerSize ",16);
153  end
154  }
157  public: /* ( Static ) */
159  static function test_Linarization() {
160  C = Utils.createCombinations([1 5],linspace(3,40,5),linspace(100,1e6,5));
161  x = linspace(.3,6,300);
162  pm = PlotManager(false,1,2);
163  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
164  ax = pm.nextPlot(" markertfun_lintest "," Plots for various parameters "," lambda "," value ");
165  axl = pm.nextPlot(" markertfun_lintest_log "," Plots for various parameters "," lambda "," value ");
166  for i = 1:size(C,2)
167  ml = models.muscle.functions.MarkertLaw(C(1,i),C(2,i),C(3,i));
168 /* ml.plot(x); */
169  [f,df] = ml.getFunction;
170  fx = f(x);
171  plot(ax,x,fx," b ");
172  semilogy(axl,x,fx," b ");
173  fprintf(" t0=%g, f(t0)=%g for %s\n ",ml.t0, ml.ft0, ml.getConfigStr);
175  hold(ax," on ");
176  hold(axl," on ");
178  ml = models.muscle.functions.MarkertLaw(C(1,i),C(2,i),[]);
179 /* ml.plot(x); */
180  [f,df] = ml.getFunction;
181  fx = f(x);
182  plot(ax,x,fx," r ");
183  semilogy(axl,x,fx," r ");
184  end
185  pm.done;
186  ylim(ax,[0 1e6]);
187  }
190  static function [res , fit , fitlin ] = test_FitToOriginal(orig,range) {
191  if nargin < 2
192  range = [1 1.2];
193  if nargin < 1
194  orig = models.muscle.functions.MarkertLawOriginal(7990, 16.6);
195  end
196  end
197  ntest = 100;
198  fac = 100;
199  p = Utils.createCombinations(...
200  linspace(orig.b/fac,orig.b*fac*1000,ntest),...
201  linspace(orig.d/fac,orig.d*fac,ntest));
202  l = linspace(range(1),range(2),100);
203  of = orig.getFunction;
204  n = size(p,2);
205  forig = of(l);
206  err = zeros(1,n);
207  pi = ProcessIndicator(" Performing fit for %d cases ",n,false,n);
208  for k=1:n
209  m = models.muscle.functions.MarkertLaw(p(1,k),p(2,k));
210  mf = m.getFunction;
211  ftest = mf(l);
212  err(k) = norm(forig-ftest);
213  pi.step;
214  end
215  pi.stop;
216  [~, idx] = min(err(1,:));
217  fit = models.muscle.functions.MarkertLaw(p(1,idx),p(2,idx));
218  fitlin = models.muscle.functions.MarkertLaw(p(1,idx),p(2,idx),1e5);
219  orig.plot(l);
220  fit.plottofigure(gcf,l," P ",[" r "]);
221  fitlin.plottofigure(gcf,l," P ",[" g "]);
222  res = true;
223  }
227 };
228 }
229 }
230 }
Collection of generally useful functions.
Definition: Utils.m:17
static function comb = createCombinations(ranges, varargin)
Creates the cartesian product of the vectors passed as a matrix containing elements of each vector pe...
Definition: Utils.m:114
function plot(range, varargin)
Definition: MarkertLaw.m:138
Returns the modified markert law functions for the OVERALL energy density funcion derivative w...
Definition: MarkertLaw.m:20
PlotManager: Small class that allows the same plots generated by some script to be either organized a...
Definition: PlotManager.m:17
MarkertLaw(b, d, max_modulus)
Definition: MarkertLaw.m:50
static const LatestLinearizationLambda
Definition: MarkertLaw.m:32
static function [ res , fit , fitlin ] = test_FitToOriginal(orig, range)
Definition: MarkertLaw.m:190
A variable number of input arguments.
static function test_Linarization()
Definition: MarkertLaw.m:159
AFUNGEN Summary of this class goes here Detailed explanation goes here.
Definition: AFunGen.m:19
function [ fhandle , dfhandle , fbdhandle , dfbdhandle ] = getFunction()
Definition: MarkertLaw.m:105
ProcessIndicator: A simple class that indicates process either via waitbar or text output...