KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace models{
2 namespace muscle{
5 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
6  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
7  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
8  *
9  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
10  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
11  * Consequently, the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES doxygen switch (default in our Doxyfile.template) will produce
12  * attached source files that are highly readable by humans.
13  *
14  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
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16  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
17  */
20  :public handle {
33  public:
35  GeoView = "[46 30]";
37  DefaultArgs = {""};
40  public:
47  protected:
52  public:
55  this.System= sys;
56  this.Config= sys.Model.Config;
57  this.plotdata= this.initPlotData;
58  }
61  function [pm , h ] = plot(double t,y_dofs,varargin) {
62  opts = this.parsePlotArgs(varargin);
64  mc = this.Config;
66  if isempty(opts.PM)
67  if ~isempty(mc.Pool) && opts.Pool
68  pm = PlotManager(false,2,1);
69  else
70  pm = PlotManager;
71  end
72  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
73  else
74  pm = opts.PM;
75  end
77  [pd, t] = this.updatePlotData(this.plotdata, opts, t, y_dofs);
78  this.plotdata= pd;
80  if opts.Vid
81  [p,n,e] = fileparts(opts.Vid);
82  if ~isempty(p) && exist(p," file ") ~= 7
83  error(" Directory %s not found ",p);
84  end
85  if isempty(p)
86  if isa(mc," models.muscle.AExperimentModelConfig ")
87  p = mc.OutputDir;
88  else
89  p = pwd;
90  end
91  end
92  if isempty(n)
93  n = " output ";
94  end
95  if isempty(e)
96  e = " .avi ";
97  end
98  avifile = fullfile(p,[n e]);
99  vw = VideoWriter(avifile);
100  vw.FrameRate= 25;
102  end
104  /* % Loop over time */
105  if ~isempty(mc.Pool) && opts.Pool
106  hf = pm.nextPlot(" force "," Activation force "," t [ms] "," alpha ");
107  axis(hf,[0 t(end) 0 1]);
108  hold(hf," on ");
109  end
111  h = pm.nextPlot(" geo ",sprintf(" Deformation at t=%g ",t(end))," x [mm] "," y [mm] ");
112  zlabel(h," z [mm] ");
113  axis(h, pd.geo_plotbox);
114  daspect([1 1 1]);
115  view(h, this.GeoView);
116  hold(h," on ");
118  for ts = 1:length(t)
119  /* Quit if figure has been closed */
120  if ~ishandle(h)
121  if opts.Vid
122  vw.close;
123  end
124  break;
125  end
126  this.plotGeometry(h, t(ts), pd.yfull(:,ts), ts, opts);
128  if ~isempty(mc.Pool) && opts.Pool
129  times = t(1:ts);
130  alpha = mc.Pool.getActivation(times);
131  walpha = mc.FibreTypeWeights(1,:,1) * alpha;
132  cla(hf);
133  plot(hf,times,alpha);
134  plot(hf,times,walpha," LineWidth ",2);
135  end
137 /* % Quit if figure has been closed (extra check - runtime
138  * % thing)
139  * if ~ishandle(h)
140  * if opts.Vid
141  * vw.close;
142  * end
143  * break;
144  * end */
146  if ~isempty(opts.Vid) && ishandle(h)
147  vw.writeVideo(getframe(gcf));
148  else
149  pause(opts.Pause);
150  end
151  end
153  if opts.Vid
154  vw.close;
155  end
157  if isempty(opts.PM)
158  pm.done;
159  end
160  }
163  protected:
165  function plotGeometry(h,double t,y_dofs,ts,opts) {
166  casecap = " Deformation ";
167  if opts.Stretch
168  casecap = " Lambda-stretches ";
169  end
170  title(h,sprintf(" %s at t=%g ",casecap,t));
172  pd = this.plotdata;
173  sys = this.System;
174  nelem = length(opts.Elems);
176  u = reshape(y_dofs(1:pd.vstart-1),3,[]);
177  v = reshape(y_dofs(pd.vstart:pd.pstart-1),3,[]);
178  cla(h);
180  geo = this.Config.FEM.Geometry;
181  if opts.Skel
182  e = pd.e;
183  plot3(h,u(1,pd.no_bc),u(2,pd.no_bc),u(3,pd.no_bc)," r. "," MarkerSize ",14);
184  for k=1:size(e,1)
185  plot3(h,u(1,[e(k,1) e(k,2)]),u(2,[e(k,1) e(k,2)]),u(3,[e(k,1) e(k,2)])," r ");
186  end
187  elseif ~opts.Stretch
188  p = patch(" Faces ",geo.PatchFaces," Vertices ",u^t,...
189  " Parent ",h," FaceAlpha ",.3);
190  if sys.HasTendons
191  set(p," FaceVertexCData ",pd.vertexcol," FaceColor ",...
192  " interp "," FaceAlpha ",.5," EdgeColor "," interp ");
193  else
194  set(p," EdgeColor ",.8*pd.musclecol," FaceColor ",pd.musclecol);
195  end
196  end
198  /* Velocities */
199  if opts.Velo
200  quiver3(h,u(1,:),u(2,:),u(3,:),v(1,:),v(2,:),v(3,:),1," b ", " MarkerSize ",14);
201  end
203  /* % Dirichlet conditions
204  * Displacement */
205  u3dir = u(:,pd.bc_dir_3pos_applies);
206  plot3(h,u3dir(1,:),u3dir(2,:),u3dir(3,:)," . "," MarkerSize ",20," Color ",[0 0 0]);
207  u2dir = u(:,pd.bc_dir_2pos_applies);
208  plot3(h,u2dir(1,:),u2dir(2,:),u2dir(3,:)," . "," MarkerSize ",20," Color ",[.5 .5 .5]);
209  u1dir = u(:,pd.bc_dir_1pos_applies);
210  plot3(h,u1dir(1,:),u1dir(2,:),u1dir(3,:)," . "," MarkerSize ",20," Color ",[.7 .7 .7]);
212  /* Velocity */
213  uvdir = u(:,pd.bool_expl_v_bc_nodes_applies);
214  plot3(h,uvdir(1,:),uvdir(2,:),uvdir(3,:)," g. "," MarkerSize ",20);
216  /* % Dirichlet Forces */
217  if ~isempty(pd.DF)
218  residuals = pd.residuals;
219  have_residuals = pd.have_residuals;
220  udir = u(:,have_residuals);
221 /* residuals(pd.residuals_pos) = pd.DF(pd.sortidx,ts)/pd.maxdfval; */
222  residuals(pd.residuals_pos) = pd.DF(:,ts)/pd.maxdfval;
223  quiver3(h,udir(1,:),udir(2,:),udir(3,:),...
224  residuals(1,have_residuals),residuals(2,have_residuals),...
225  residuals(3,have_residuals),1," k ", " MarkerSize ",14);
226  end
228  /* % Neumann condition forces */
229  if opts.Forces
230  /* Plot force vectors at nodes
231  * uforce = u(:,pd.forces_apply);
232  * quiver3(h,uforce(1,:),uforce(2,:),uforce(3,:),...
233  * pd.forces(1,:),pd.forces(2,:),pd.forces(3,:),0,'Color',[.8 .8 1]);
234  * Plot force vectors at face centers */
235  for k=1:pd.numfaceswithforce
236  masterfacenodeidx = geo.MasterFaces(pd.force_elem_face_idx(2,k),:);
237  facenodeidx = geo.Elements(pd.force_elem_face_idx(1,k),masterfacenodeidx);
239  facecenter = mean(u(:,facenodeidx),2);
240  mf = pd.meanforces(:,k)*;
241  quiver3(h,facecenter(1),facecenter(2),facecenter(3),...
242  mf(1),mf(2),mf(3),0," LineWidth ",2," Color "," b "," MaxHeadSize ",1);
244  if ~isempty(pd.NF)
245  pd.residual_neumann_forces(sys.idx_neumann_bc_glob) = pd.NF(:,ts);
246  meanforce = mean(pd.residual_neumann_forces(:,facenodeidx),2);
247  quiver3(h,facecenter(1),facecenter(2),facecenter(3),...
248  meanforce(1),meanforce(2),meanforce(3),0," LineWidth ",2," Color "," k "," MaxHeadSize ",1);
249  end
250  end
251  end
253  /* % Pressure */
254  if opts.Pressure
255  p = y_dofs(pd.pstart:sys.num_uvp_glob);
256  pn = sys.idx_p_to_u_nodes;
257  pneg = p<0;
258  /* Negative pressures */
259  if any(pneg)
260  scatter3(h,u(1,pn(pneg)),u(2,pn(pneg)),u(3,pn(pneg)),...
261  -p(pneg)*10+1,[188 188 255]/255);/*
262  end
263  * Positive pressures */
265  if any(~pneg)
266  scatter3(h,u(1,pn(~pneg)),u(2,pn(~pneg)),u(3,pn(~pneg)),...
267  p(~pneg)*10+1,[255 188 188]/255); /* [244 149 25]/255 */
269  end
270  end
272  /* % a0 fibres & gp values */
273  fibres = sys.HasFibres && opts.Fibres;
274  doI1 = any(opts.Invariants == 1);
275  doLam = opts.Lambdas;
276  doMR = opts.MR;
277  doTMR = opts.MTRatio;
278  doStr = opts.Stretch;
279  if fibres || ~isempty(opts.Invariants) || doLam || doMR || doTMR || doStr
280  for elemidx = 1:nelem
281  m = opts.Elems(elemidx);
282  u = y_dofs(1:pd.vstart-1);
283  u = u(sys.idx_u_elems_local(:,:,m));
284  gps = u*pd.Ngp;
286  if doStr
287  scatter3(h,gps(1,:),gps(2,:),gps(3,:),1,pd.stretchcol(:,:,elemidx,ts)" , "." , "SizeData^t,30);
288  else
289  if fibres
290  anull = u*sys.dNa0(:,:,m);
291  quiver3(gps(1,:),gps(2,:),gps(3,:),anull(1,:),anull(2,:),anull(3,:),.5," . "," Color "," w ");
292  end
294  /* % tendon ratio */
295  if ~isempty(pd.gpcol)
296  scatter3(h,gps(1,:),gps(2,:),gps(3,:),1,pd.gpcol(:,:,m)," . "," SizeData ",30);
297  end
299  /* % Invariants */
300  if doI1
301  values = sprintfc(" I_1=%3.3g ",pd.I1(:,elemidx,ts));
302  text(gps(1,:),gps(2,:),gps(3,:),values," Parent ",h)
303  end
304  /* % Lambdas */
305  if doLam
306  /* values = sprintfc('\\lambda=%3.3g',pd.lambdas(:,m,ts)); */
307  values = sprintfc(" %3.4g ",pd.lambdas(:,elemidx,ts));
308  text(gps(1,:),gps(2,:),gps(3,:),values," Parent ",h)
309  end
310  /* % Mooney-Rivlin tensors */
311  if doMR
312  values = cellfun(@(v)sprintf(" %g ",diag(v)), pd.MR(:,elemidx,ts)," UniformOutput ",false);
313  text(gps(1,:),gps(2,:),gps(3,:),values," Parent ",h)
314  end
316  /* % Tendon-Muscle ratio */
317  if doTMR
318  values = sprintfc(" %3.4g ",sys.MuscleTendonRatioGP(:,m,ts));
319  /* values = sprintfc('%3.4g',diags{:}); */
320  text(gps(1,:),gps(2,:),gps(3,:),values," Parent ",h)
321  end
322  end
323  end
324  if doStr
325  colormap(pd.stretchcmap);
326  colorbar(" YTickLabel ",pd.stretchcmaplbl);
327  end
328  end
329  }
332  function [pd , doublet , matrix<double>y ] = updatePlotData(pd,opts,double t,matrix<double> y) {
333  mc = this.Config;
334  sys = this.System;
335  dfem = mc.FEM;
336  geo = dfem.Geometry;
338  pd.DF= opts.DF;
339  pd.NF= opts.NF;
340  /* % "Speedup" factor for faster plots */
341  if ~isempty(opts.F)
342  t = t(1:opts.F:end);
343  y = y(:,1:opts.F:end);
344  if ~isempty(pd.DF)
345  pd.DF= pd.DF(:,1:opts.F:end);
346  end
347  if ~isempty(pd.NF)
348  pd.NF= pd.NF(:,1:opts.F:end);
349  end
350  end
352  /* % Re-add the dirichlet nodes for geometry plotting */
353  pd.yfull= sys.includeDirichletValues(t, y);
354  pd.geo_plotbox= this.getPlotBox(pd.yfull);
356  /* % Dirichlet plotting */
357  if ~isempty(opts.DF)
358  pd.maxdfval= max(abs(opts.DF(:)))/10;
359  end
361  /* % Forces plotting */
362  if opts.Forces
363  /* Get forces on each node in x,y,z directions
364  * This is where the connection between plane index and
365  * x,y,z coordinate is "restored" */
366  forces = zeros(size(sys.bool_u_bc_nodes));
367  forces(sys.idx_neumann_bc_glob) = sys.bc_neum_forces_val;
369  /* Forces at face centers */
370  force_elem_face_idx = geo.Faces(:,sys.FacesWithForce);
371  pd.numfaceswithforce= size(force_elem_face_idx,2);
372  meanforces = zeros(3,pd.numfaceswithforce);
373  for k=1:pd.numfaceswithforce
374  masterfacenodeidx = geo.MasterFaces(force_elem_face_idx(2,k),:);
375  facenodeidx = geo.Elements(force_elem_face_idx(1,k),masterfacenodeidx);
376  meanforces(:,k) = mean(forces(:,facenodeidx),2);
377  end
378  pd.meanforces= meanforces;
379  pd.force_elem_face_idx= force_elem_face_idx;
381  /* Also save forces at x,y,z nodes for plotting */
382  pd.forces_apply= sum(abs(forces),1) ~= 0;
383  pd.forces= forces(:,pd.forces_apply);
385  if ~isempty(opts.NF)
386  pd.residual_neumann_forces= zeros(size(sys.bool_u_bc_nodes));
387  end
388  end
390  /* % Skeleton plotting */
391  if ~opts.Skel
392  /* light('Position',[1 1 1],'Style','infinite','Parent',h); */
393  pd.musclecol= [0.854688, 0.201563, 0.217188];
394  end
396  /* % Show invariants or lambda stretch values */
397  if ~isempty(opts.Invariants) || opts.Lambdas || opts.MR || opts.Stretch
398  nt = length(t);
399  nelem = length(opts.Elems);
400  doI1 = any(opts.Invariants == 1);
401  doLam = opts.Lambdas;
402  doMR = opts.MR;
403  doStr = opts.Stretch;
404  if doI1 || doMR
405  pd.I1= zeros(dfem.GaussPointsPerElem,nelem,nt);
406  end
407  if doLam || doStr
408  pd.lambdas= zeros(dfem.GaussPointsPerElem,nelem,nt);
409  if doStr
410  pd.stretchcol= zeros(3,dfem.GaussPointsPerElem,nelem,nt);
411  end
412  end
413  if doMR
414  pd.MR= cell(dfem.GaussPointsPerElem,nelem,nt);
415  c10 = sys.MuscleTendonParamc10;
416  c01 = sys.MuscleTendonParamc01;
417  end
418  num_gp = dfem.GaussPointsPerElem;
419  for elemidx = 1:nelem
420  m = opts.Elems(elemidx);
421  for gp = 1:num_gp
422  pos = 3*(gp-1)+1:3*gp;
423  dtn = dfem.transgrad(:,pos,m);
424  elemidx_u = sys.idx_u_elems_local(:,:,m);
425  for ts = 1:nt
426  /* Deformation gradient */
427  yts = pd.yfull(:,ts) ;
428  F = yts(elemidx_u) * dtn;
429  C = F^t*F;
430  if doI1 || doMR
431  pd.I1(gp,elemidx,ts) = C(1,1)+C(2,2)+C(3,3);
432  end
433  if doLam || doStr
434  fibres = sys.a0Base(:,:,(m-1)*num_gp + gp);
435  pd.lambdas(gp,elemidx,ts) = norm(F*fibres(:,1));
436  end
437  if doMR
438  pd.MR[gp,elemidx,ts] = sys.MooneyRivlinICConst(gp,m)*eye(3) ...
439  + 2*(c10(gp,m) + pd.I1(gp,elemidx,ts)*c01(gp,m))*F ...
440  - 2*c01(gp,m)*F*C;
441  end
442  end
443  end
444  end
445  if doStr
446  Mlam = max(pd.lambdas(:));
447  mlam = min(pd.lambdas(:));
448  center = (1-mlam)/(Mlam-mlam);
449  if abs(Mlam-mlam) < 1e-8
450  /* Green for lambda=1 everywhere */
451  pd.stretchcol(2,:,:,:) = 1;
452  else
453  colfun = @(x)[(x>center).*((x-center)/(1-center))
454  (x<center).*x/center + (x>=center).*(1-(x-center)/(1-center));
455  (x<center).*(1-x/center);];
456  for ts = 1:nt
457  for elemidx = 1:nelem
458  normlam = (pd.lambdas(:,elemidx,ts)-mlam) / (Mlam-mlam);
459  pd.stretchcol(:,:,elemidx,ts) = colfun(normlam^t);
460  end
461  end
462  end
463  pd.stretchcmap= colfun(linspace(0,1,125))^t;
464  pd.stretchcmaplbl= sprintfc(" %3.3g ",linspace(mlam,Mlam,12));
465  end
466  end
467  }
470  function opts = parsePlotArgs(args) {
472  i.KeepUnmatched= true;
473  i.addParamValue('Vid',[],@(v)~isempty(v));
474  i.addParamValue('Forces',false,@(v)islogical(v));
475  i.addParamValue('Velo',false,@(v)islogical(v));
476  i.addParamValue('Pressure',false,@(v)islogical(v));
477  i.addParamValue('Fibres',true,@(v)islogical(v));
478  i.addParamValue('Skel',false,@(v)islogical(v));
479  i.addParamValue('Pool',false,@(v)islogical(v));
480  i.addParamValue('PM',[],@(v)isa(v,'PlotManager'));
481  i.addParamValue('DF',[]);
482  i.addParamValue('NF',[]);
483  i.addParamValue('F',[]);
484  i.addParamValue('Elems',1:this.Config.FEM.Geometry.NumElements);
485  i.addParamValue('Invariants',[]);
486  i.addParamValue('Lambdas',false,@(v)islogical(v));
487  i.addParamValue('MR',false);
488  i.addParamValue('MTRatio',false,@(v)islogical(v));
489  i.addParamValue('Pause',.01);
490  i.addParamValue('Stretch',false,@(v)islogical(v));
492  args = [this.DefaultArgs args];
493  i.parse(args[:]);
494  opts = i.Results;
495  if ~isempty(opts.NF)
496  opts.Forces= true;
497  end
498  }
501  function pd = initPlotData() {
502  sys = this.System;
503  pd = struct;
504  hlp = sum(sys.bool_u_bc_nodes,1);
505  pd.bc_dir_3pos_applies= hlp == 3;
506  pd.bc_dir_2pos_applies= hlp == 2;
507  pd.bc_dir_1pos_applies= hlp == 1;
508  pd.bc_dir_pos_applies= hlp >= 1;
509  pd.bool_expl_v_bc_nodes_applies= sum(sys.bool_expl_v_bc_nodes,1) >= 1;
510  pd.no_bc= ~pd.bc_dir_pos_applies & ~pd.bool_expl_v_bc_nodes_applies;
512  mc = this.Config;
513  dfem = mc.FEM;
514  geo = dfem.Geometry;
515  num_u_glob = geo.NumNodes * 3;
516  pd.vstart= num_u_glob+1;
517  pd.pstart= 2*num_u_glob+1;
518  pd.e= geo.Edges;
520  /* % Dirichlet forces */
521  pd.have_residuals= pd.bc_dir_pos_applies | pd.bool_expl_v_bc_nodes_applies;
522  /* By sorting and combining the pos/velo Dir BC, the
523  * plotting of mixed BCs on one node is plotted correctly. */
524  pd.residuals_pos= sys.bool_u_bc_nodes | sys.bool_expl_v_bc_nodes;
525 /* [~, pd.sortidx] = sort([sys.idx_u_bc_glob; sys.idx_expl_v_bc_glob]);
526  * Preallocate the residuals matrix */
527  pd.residuals= zeros(size(pd.residuals_pos));
529  /* % Fibres
530  *if sys.HasFibres || ~isempty(opts.Invariants) */
531  pd.Ngp= dfem.N(dfem.GaussPoints);
532  /* end */
534  /* Set muscle color either way */
535  pd.musclecol= [0.854688, 0.201563, 0.217188];
536  pd.gpcol= [];
537  /* % Muscle/Tendon patch vertex colors */
538  if sys.HasTendons
539  tendoncol = [1, .8, .6]; /* Micha [.9 .7 .5]
540  * Vertex coloring */
542  pd.vertexcol= ones(geo.NumNodes,1)*pd.musclecol ...
543  + sys.MuscleTendonRatioNodes^t*(tendoncol-pd.musclecol);
544  /* Gauss point coloring */
545  tmr = sys.MuscleTendonRatioGP;
546  pd.gpcol(:,:,1) = pd.musclecol(1) + tmr*(tendoncol(1)-pd.musclecol(1));
547  pd.gpcol(:,:,2) = pd.musclecol(2) + tmr*(tendoncol(2)-pd.musclecol(2));
548  pd.gpcol(:,:,3) = pd.musclecol(3) + tmr*(tendoncol(3)-pd.musclecol(3));
549  pd.gpcol= permute(pd.gpcol,[1 3 2]);/* *.8; */
551  end
552  }
554  function box = getPlotBox(uvw) {
555  xpos = 1:3:this.Config.FEM.Geometry.NumNodes*3;
556  box = [min(min(uvw(xpos,:))) max(max(uvw(xpos,:)))...
557  min(min(uvw(xpos+1,:))) max(max(uvw(xpos+1,:)))...
558  min(min(uvw(xpos+2,:))) max(max(uvw(xpos+2,:)))];
559  diam = diff(box)*.1;
560  box = box + [-diam(1) diam(1) -diam(3) diam(3) -diam(5) diam(5)];
561  }
573 };
574 }
575 }
MuscleFibreSystem: The global dynamical system used within the MuscleFibreModel.
Definition: System.m:19
A MatLab cell array or matrix.
hanges the dimensions of the handle object array to the specified dimensions. See the MATLAB reshape ...
PlotManager: Small class that allows the same plots generated by some script to be either organized a...
Definition: PlotManager.m:17
Matlab's base handle class (documentation generation substitute)
#define F(x, y, z)
Definition: CalcMD5.c:168
logical LeaveOpen
Flag indicating if the plots should be left open once the PlotManager is deleted (as variable) ...
Definition: PlotManager.m:213
function box = getPlotBox(uvw)
A variable number of input arguments.
The current parameter for simulations, [] is none used.
Rearranges the dimensions of the handle object array. See the MATLAB permute function.
function [ pd , double t , matrix< double > y ] = updatePlotData(pd, opts,double t,matrix< double > y)
function pd = initPlotData()
function opts = parsePlotArgs(args)
function plotGeometry(h,double t, y_dofs, ts, opts)
function [ pm , h ] = plot(double t, y_dofs, varargin)
Definition: MusclePlotter.m:61