KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace models{
2 namespace motorunit{
5 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
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17  */
19 class Shorten
20  :public models.BaseFullModel {
47  public: /* ( Dependent ) */
52  public:
107  public:
109  Shorten(dynamic_ic,logical singlepeakmode,outputscaling) {
111  if nargin < 3
112  outputscaling = true;
113  if nargin < 2
114  singlepeakmode = false;
115  if nargin < 1
116  dynamic_ic = true;
117  end
118  end
119  end
120  this.SinglePeakMode= singlepeakmode;
121  this.DynamicInitialConditions= dynamic_ic;
122  this.SingleTwitchOutputForceScaling= outputscaling;
124  this.dt= .1;
125  if singlepeakmode
126  this.T= 2000; /* [ms] */
128  else
129  this.T= 150; /* [ms] */
131  end
132  /* DO NOT INCREASE! Peaks from Motoneuron are not correctly
133  * resolved (at least visually) if larger timesteps are used. */
134  this.dt= .1; /* [ms] */
137  this.SaveTag= sprintf(" motorunit_shorten_sp%d_dynic%d ",singlepeakmode,dynamic_ic);
138  this.Data= data.ModelData(this);
141  this.Name= sprintf(" Motor unit model: Single peak mode: %d, Dynamic Initial Conditions: %d ",singlepeakmode,dynamic_ic);
142  this.System= models.motorunit.SHSystem(this);
143  this.TrainingInputs= 1;
144  this.EnableTrajectoryCaching= true;
146  s = solvers.MLWrapper(@ode15s);
147  if singlepeakmode
148  sys = this.System;
149  s.odeopts.OutputFcn= @sys.singlePeakModeOutputFcn;
150  end
151  this.ODESolver= s;
153  /* Set parameter domain already */
154  s = sampling.RandomSampler;
155  s.Domain= models.motoneuron.ParamDomain;
156  this.Sampler= s;
158  this.DefaultMu= [.1; 3];
159  this.DefaultInput= 1;
160  }
169 /* mtoc++ warning: Optional parameter 'outputscaling' of method 'Shorten' has no specified default value
170  */
172  x = 0:.1:80;
173  pm = PlotManager;
174  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
175  h = pm.nextPlot(" moto_sarco_link_factor "," Factor for motoneuro to sarcomere link "," Moto V_s "," Factor ");
176  f = this.System.f;
177  fx = f.MSLink_MaxFactor*ones(1,length(x));
178  dynfac = x < f.MSLink_MaxFactorSignal;
179  fx(dynfac) = f.getLinkFactor(x(dynfac));
180  plot(h,x,fx);
181  pm.done;
182  }
186  if nargin < 2
187  x = 0:.01:1;
188  end
189  plot(x,polyval(this.System.ForceOutputScalingPolyCoeff,x));
190  title(" Force scaling curve for different fibre types ");
191  xlabel(" Fibre type parameter ");
192  ylabel(" Peak force for single excitation ");
193  }
196  function pm = plotState(double t,colvec<double> x,pm) {
197  if nargin < 4
198  pm = PlotManager(false,3,1);
199  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
200  end
201  h = pm.nextPlot(" moto "," Motoneuron V_s "," time "," value ");
202  plot(h,t,x(2,:));
203  h = pm.nextPlot(" sarco "," Linked sarcomere: V_s "," time "," V_s ");
204  plot(h,t,x(,:));
205  h = pm.nextPlot(" sarco ",sprintf(" Linked sarcomere: A_2\nMu=[%s] ",num2str(" )), "time" , "A_2^t);
206  plot(h,t,x(,:));
208  if nargin < 4
209  pm.done;
210  end
211  }
214  function pm = plot(double t,matrix<double> y,pm) {
215  if nargin < 4
216  pm = PlotManager(false,2,1);
217  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
218  end
219  h = pm.nextPlot(" sarco "," Linked sarcomere: V_s "," time "," V_s ");
220  plot(h,t,y(1,:));
221  h = pm.nextPlot(" sarco ",sprintf(" Linked sarcomere: A_2\nMu=[%s] ",num2str(" )), "time" , "A_2^t);
222  plot(h,t,y(2,:));
224  if nargin < 4
225  pm.done;
226  end
227  }
230  public:
233 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'get.UseNoise'
234 function value = UseNoise() {
235  value = ~this.System.noiseGen.DisableNoise;
236  }
238 #endif
242 #if 0 //mtoc++: 'set.UseNoise'
243 function UseNoise(value) {
244  this.System.noiseGen.DisableNoise= ~value;
245  }
247 #endif
250  public: /* ( Static ) */
252  static function res = test_Shorten() {
253  m = models.motorunit.Shorten;
254  [t,y] = m.simulate;
255  m.plot(t,y);
256  res = 1;
257  }
260  protected: /* ( Static ) */
262  static function this = loadobj() {
263  if ~isa(this, " models.motorunit.Shorten ")
264  sobj = this;
265  this = models.motorunit.Shorten;
266  this = loadobj@models.BaseFullModel(this, sobj);
267  else
268  this = loadobj@models.BaseFullModel(this);
269  end
270  }
277 };
278 }
279 }
char Name
The name of the Model.
Definition: BaseModel.m:117
Shorten(dynamic_ic,logical singlepeakmode, outputscaling)
Creates a new motor unit model.
Definition: Shorten.m:109
function useFileTrajectoryData(logical overwrite)
Sets the TrajectoryData and TrajectoryFxiData classes to filesystem based versions.
Definition: ModelData.m:349
* polyval(pol, slen)
The base class for any KerMor detailed model.
Definition: BaseFullModel.m:18
double dt
The desired time-stepsize for simulations.
Definition: BaseModel.m:291
integer TrainingInputs
The indices of inputs to use for training data generation. Uses the DefaultInput if not set (and Defa...
sampling.BaseSampler Sampler
The sampling strategy the Model uses.
models.BaseFirstOrderSystem System
The actual dynamical system used in the model.
Definition: BaseModel.m:102
function pm = plotState(double t,colvec< double > x, pm)
Definition: Shorten.m:196
Shorten: Model for a muscle motor unit composed of motoneuron and a sarcomere.
Definition: Shorten.m:19
logical SingleTwitchOutputForceScaling
Flag to determine if the output force (e.g. calcium concentration) should be re-scaled so that the fo...
Definition: Shorten.m:89
PlotManager: Small class that allows the same plots generated by some script to be either organized a...
Definition: PlotManager.m:17
function pm = plot(double t,matrix< double > y, pm)
Definition: Shorten.m:214
static function this = loadobj()
Definition: Shorten.m:262
A boolean value.
logical LeaveOpen
Flag indicating if the plots should be left open once the PlotManager is deleted (as variable) ...
Definition: PlotManager.m:213
solvers.BaseSolver ODESolver
The solver to use for the ODE. Must be an instance of any solvers.BaseSolver subclass.
Definition: BaseModel.m:315
The current parameter for simulations, [] is none used.
integer DefaultInput
The default input to use if none is given.
Definition: BaseModel.m:189
function pm = plotMotoSacroLinkFactorCurve()
Definition: Shorten.m:171
static function res = test_Shorten()
Definition: Shorten.m:252
double T
The final timestep up to which to simulate.
Definition: BaseModel.m:271
data.ModelData Data
The full model's data container. Defaults to an empty container.
Creates a new container for large full model data.
Definition: ModelData.m:180
logical DynamicInitialConditions
Set this flag to true (in constructor) if you want parameter-dependent initial conditions that have b...
Definition: Shorten.m:68
colvec< double > DefaultMu
The default parameter value if none is given.
Definition: BaseModel.m:355
logical EnableTrajectoryCaching
Flag that enables caching of computed trajectories in a simulation cache stored in KerMor's TempDirec...
dscomponents.ACoreFun f
The core f function from the dynamical system.
function plotOutputForceScaling(colvec< double > x)
Definition: Shorten.m:185
logical SinglePeakMode
Flag that determines if this system is to be run so that only ever one peak/signal will be issued...
Definition: Shorten.m:54
char SaveTag
A custom tag that can be used as a prefix to files for corresponding model identification.