KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace approx{
2 namespace algorithms{
5 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
6  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
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8  *
9  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
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16  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
17  */
19 class VKOGA
46  public:
90  public:
106  public:
108  VKOGA() {
109  this = this@approx.algorithms.AAdaptiveBase;
110  }
113  function copy = clone() {
114  copy = approx.algorithms.VKOGA;
115  copy = clone@approx.algorithms.AAdaptiveBase(this, copy);
116  copy.UsefPGreedy= this.UsefPGreedy;
117  copy.MaxAbsResidualErr= this.MaxAbsResidualErr;
118  copy.MaxRelErrors= this.MaxRelErrors;
119  copy.ValidationErrorMeasure= this.ValidationErrorMeasure;
120  copy.VKOGABound= this.VKOGABound;
121  copy.basis_norms= this.basis_norms;
122  copy.AllExpansions= this.AllExpansions;
123  }
133  protected: /* ( Sealed ) */
135  function kernels.KernelExpansionkexp = startAdaptiveExtension(data.ApproxTrainData atd,avd) {
136  vb = KerMor.App.Verbose;
138  ec = this.ExpConfig;
139  nc = ec.getNumConfigurations;
141  this.basis_norms= this.MaxErrors;
142  this.StopFlags= zeros(nc,1);
143  this.VKOGABound= this.basis_norms;
144  this.BestExpConfig= 0;
145  this.AllExpansions= eval(sprintf(" %s.empty ",class(ec.Prototype)));
147  xi = atd.xi.toMemoryMatrix;
148  fxi = atd.fxi.toMemoryMatrix;
149  fxinorm = this.ErrorFun(fxi);
150  fxinorm(fxinorm == 0) = 1;
151  if ~isempty(avd)
152  vxi = avd.xi.toMemoryMatrix;
153  vfxi = avd.fxi.toMemoryMatrix;
154  vfxinorm = this.ErrorFun(vfxi);
155  vfxinorm(vfxinorm == 0) = 1;
156  end
157  N = size(xi,2);
159  minerr = Inf;
160  bestNV = [];
161  bestc = [];
162  bestused = [];
164  /* % Run loop for all desired distances */
165  pi = ProcessIndicator(" VKOGA approximation for %d kernel configurations ",nc,false,nc);
166  for cidx = 1:nc
167  m = 1;
169  /* Set current hyperconfiguration */
170  kexp = ec.configureInstance(cidx);
172  /* Compute Kernel matrix diagonal */
173  if isa(kexp.Kernel," kernels.ARBFKernel ")
174  Kdiag = kexp.Kernel.evaluate(xi(:,1),xi(:,1))*ones(1,N);
175  else
176  Kdiag = zeros(1,N);
177  for k=1:N
178  Kdiag(k) = kexp.Kernel.evaluate(xi(k,1),xi(k,1));
179  end
180  end
182  /* Values of Newton basis */
183  NV = zeros(N,this.MaxExpansionSize);
184  NV(:,1) = kexp.getKernelMatrixColumn(this.initialidx, xi, atd.ti, atd.mui);
186  /* Coefficients of Newton basis */
187  c = zeros(size(atd.fxi,1),this.MaxExpansionSize);
188  c(:,1) = atd.fxi(:,this.initialidx)/sqrt(Kdiag(this.initialidx));
190  /* Sum_j N_j^2(x_i) (for denominator) */
191  sumNsq = (NV(:,1).^2)^t;
193  fresidual = fxi;
195  used = zeros(1,N);
196  used(1) = this.initialidx;
198  this.VKOGABound(cidx, m) = 1/max(Kdiag - sumNsq);
200  /* % Main extension loop */
201  while true
203  /* % Residual and error computation
204  * Cumulative computation (more effective) */
205  fresidual = fresidual - c(:,m)*(NV(:,m))^t;
206  /* Complete computation
207  * fresidual1 = fxi - c(:,1:m)*(NV(:,1:m))'; */
209  e = this.ErrorFun(fresidual);
210  this.MaxErrors(cidx,m) = max(e);
211  this.MaxRelErrors(cidx,m) = max(e./fxinorm);
213  /* % Check stopping conditions */
214  if m == this.MaxExpansionSize
215  if vb > 1
216  fprintf(" VKOGA stopping criteria holds: Max expansion size %d reached.\nResidual error %.7e > %.7e, Max relative error %.7e > %.7e\n ",...
217  m,this.MaxErrors(cidx,m-1),this.MaxAbsResidualErr,this.MaxRelErrors(cidx,m-1),this.MaxRelErr);
218  end
219  stopflag = StopFlag.MAX_SIZE;
220  break;
221  elseif this.MaxRelErrors(cidx,m) < this.MaxRelErr
222  if vb > 1
223  fprintf(" VKOGA stopping criteria holds: Relative error %.7e < %.7e\n ",this.MaxRelErrors(cidx,m),this.MaxRelErr);
224  end
225  stopflag = StopFlag.REL_ERROR;
226  break;
227  elseif this.MaxErrors(cidx,m) < this.MaxAbsResidualErr
228  if vb > 1
229  fprintf(" VKOGA stopping criteria holds: Residual error %.7e < %.7e\n ",this.MaxErrors(cidx,m),this.MaxAbsResidualErr);
230  end
231  stopflag = StopFlag.ABS_ERROR;
232  break;
233  end
235  /* % Next basis point selection */
236  if this.UsefPGreedy
237  /* Cap too small norms! */
238  div = Kdiag - sumNsq;
239  div(used(1:m)) = Inf;
240  /* div(div <= 0) = Inf; */
241  else
242  div = 1;
243  end
244  sum_fresidual = sum(fresidual.^2,1) ./ div;
246  [~, maxidx] = max(sum_fresidual);
247  tN = kexp.getKernelMatrixColumn(maxidx, xi, atd.ti, atd.mui) - NV(:,1:m)*NV(maxidx,1:m)^t;
249  /* % Emergency break:
250  * An entry of the power function for which a value greater than one has
251  * been summed up would be chosen, leading to imaginary norms. */
252  if sumNsq(maxidx) > 1
253  if vb > 1
254  fprintf(" VKOGA emergency stop at iteration %d: Power function value > 1 detected.\nResidual error %.7e > %.7e, Max relative error %.7e > %.7e\n ",...
255  m,this.MaxErrors(cidx,m-1),this.MaxAbsResidualErr,this.MaxRelErrors(cidx,m-1),this.MaxRelErr);
256  end
257  stopflag = StopFlag.NEGATIVE_POWFUN;
258  break;
259  end
261  m = m+1;
262  tNnorm = sqrt(Kdiag(maxidx)-sumNsq(maxidx));
263  NV(:,m) = tN/tNnorm;
264  c(:,m) = fresidual(:,maxidx)./tNnorm;
265  sumNsq = sumNsq + (NV(:,m).^2)^t;
266  used(m) = maxidx;
268  this.basis_norms(cidx,m) = tNnorm;
269  this.VKOGABound(cidx, m) = this.VKOGABound(cidx, m-1) + 1/max(Kdiag - sumNsq);
270  end
272  this.ExpansionSizes(cidx) = m;
273  this.MaxErrors(cidx,m+1:end) = Inf;
274  this.MaxRelErrors(cidx,m+1:end) = Inf;
276  kexp.setCentersFromATD(atd, used(1:m));
277  kexp.Ma= c(:,1:m);
278  kexp.Base= NV(used(1:m),1:m);
279  this.AllExpansions(cidx) = kexp;
281  /* If set, compute error on validation set */
282  if ~isempty(avd)
283  e = this.ErrorFun(vfxi - kexp.evaluate(vxi,avd.ti,avd.mui));
284  this.ValidationErrors(cidx,1) = max(e);
285  this.ValidationRelErrors(cidx,1) = max(e./vfxinorm);
286  this.ValidationErrors(cidx,2) = mean(e);
287  this.ValidationRelErrors(cidx,2) = mean(e./vfxinorm);
288  else
289  /* Otherwise just copy the training set error */
290  this.ValidationErrors(cidx,1) = this.MaxErrors(cidx,m);
291  this.ValidationRelErrors(cidx,1) = this.MaxRelErrors(cidx,m);
292  this.ValidationErrors(cidx,2) = mean(e);
293  this.ValidationRelErrors(cidx,2) = mean(e./fxinorm);
294  end
296  if strcmp(this.ValidationErrorMeasure," rel ")
297  val = this.ValidationRelErrors(cidx,2);
298  else
299  val = this.ValidationErrors(cidx,2);
300  end
301  if val < minerr
302  minerr = val;
303  bestused = used(1:m);
304  bestNV = NV(:,1:m);
305  bestc = c(:,1:m);
306  this.BestExpConfig= cidx;
307  end
308  this.StopFlags(cidx) = stopflag;
309  pi.step;
310  end
312  /* % Set (& apply) best configuration */
313  if isempty(bestused)
314  error(" No centers found ");
315  end
316  this.Used= bestused;
317  kexp = ec.configureInstance(this.BestExpConfig);
318  kexp.setCentersFromATD(atd, bestused);
320  /* Compute Ma */
321  this.bestNewtonBasisValuesOnATD= bestNV;
322  kexp.Ma= bestc;
323  /* Extract partial cholesky matrix */
324  kexp.Base= bestNV(bestused,1:length(bestused));
326  /* Some cleanup */
327  maxsize = max(this.ExpansionSizes);
328  this.MaxErrors= this.MaxErrors(:,1:maxsize);
329  this.MaxRelErrors= this.MaxRelErrors(:,1:maxsize);
331  /* Debug stuff */
332  this.VKOGABound= size(fxi,1) ./ (1 + this.VKOGABound/size(fxi,1));
334  if vb > 1
335  og = " off ";
336  if this.UsefPGreedy
337  og = " on ";
338  end
339  fprintf(" VKOMP best kernel config index:%d for VKOGA with f/P-Greedy=%s, exp-size:%d\n ",...
340  this.BestExpConfig,og,length(bestused));
341  end
343  pi.stop;
344  }
363  protected: /* ( Static ) */
365  static function this = loadobj() {
366  if ~isa(this, " approx.algorithms.VKOGA ")
367  a = approx.algorithms.VKOGA;
368  if isfield(this," UsefPGreedy ") && ~isempty(this.UsefPGreedy)
369  a.UsefPGreedy= this.UsefPGreedy;
370  elseif isfield(this," UseOGA ")
371  a.UsefPGreedy= this.UseOGA;
372  end
373  if isfield(this," MaxAbsResidualErr ")
374  a.MaxAbsResidualErr= this.MaxAbsResidualErr;
375  end
376  if isfield(this," bestNewtonBasisValuesOnATD ")
377  a.bestNewtonBasisValuesOnATD= this.bestNewtonBasisValuesOnATD;
378  end
379  if isfield(this," basis_norms ")
380  a.basis_norms= this.basis_norms;
381  end
382  if isfield(this," stopFlags ")
383  a.StopFlags= this.stopFlags;
384  end
385  this = loadobj@approx.algorithms.AAdaptiveBase(a, this);
386  end
387  if isempty(this.StopFlags)
388  this.StopFlags= zeros(size(this.MaxErrors));
389  end
390  }
393  public: /* ( Static ) */
396  static function res = test_VKOGA1DnD() {
398  demos.VKOGA.VKOGA_1D_nD(1,false);
399  demos.VKOGA.VKOGA_1D_nD(1,true);
400  demos.VKOGA.VKOGA_1D_nD(2,false);
401  demos.VKOGA.VKOGA_1D_nD(2,true);
402  demos.VKOGA.VKOGA_1D_nD(3,false,10);
403  demos.VKOGA.VKOGA_1D_nD(3,true);
404  demos.VKOGA.VKOGA_1D_nD(4,false,10);
405  demos.VKOGA.VKOGA_1D_nD(4,true);
406  res = true;
407  }
415  static function [res , d ] = test_VKOGA2D1D() {
417  /* % Data setup */
418  [f, r] = testing.TestFunctions.F8;
419  step = .02;
420  x1 = r(1,1):step:r(1,2);
421  x2 = r(2,1):step:r(2,2);
422  [X,Y] = meshgrid(x1,x2);
423  xi = [X(:)" ; Y(:) "];
424  fxi = f(xi);
426  atd = data.ApproxTrainData(xi,[],[]);
427  atd.fxi= fxi;
429  /* % Algorithm setup */
430  alg = approx.algorithms.VKOGA;
431  alg.MaxExpansionSize= 100;
432  alg.UsefPGreedy= true;
433  ec = kernels.config.ExpansionConfig;
434  ec.Prototype.Kernel= kernels.Wendland;
435  c = Utils.createCombinations(linspace(.5,2,5),[2 3]);
436  ec.StateConfig= kernels.config.WendlandConfig(...
437  " G ",c(1,:)," S ",c(2,:)," Dim ",1);
438  alg.ExpConfig= ec;
440  kexp = alg.computeApproximation(atd);
442  /* % Plot approximated function */
444  pm = PlotManager(false,2,2);
445  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
447  h = pm.nextPlot(" fun "," Function "," x "," f(x) ");
448  Z = reshape(fxi,length(x1),[]);
449  surf(h,X,Y,Z);
451  h = pm.nextPlot(" fun "," Approximation "," x "," kexp(x) ");
452  aZ = reshape(kexp.evaluate(xi),length(x1),[]);
453  surf(h,X,Y,aZ);
455  h = pm.nextPlot(" fun "," Error "," x "," f(x)-kexp(x) ");
456  surf(h,X,Y,abs(Z-aZ));
458  h = pm.nextPlot(" nfun "," Last Newton Basis Function "," x "," N(x) ");
459  Z = reshape(alg.bestNewtonBasisValuesOnATD(:,end),length(x1),[]);
460  surf(h,X,Y,Z);
462  alg.plotSummary(pm, " test_VKOGA ");
463  pm.done;
465  d = struct;
466  d.kexp= kexp;
467  d.atd= atd;
468  d.alg= alg;
469  res = true;
470  }
480 };
481 }
482 }
matrix< double > ValidationErrors
For each configuration, contains a row with the maximum errors on the validation data. The number of columns depends on the type of algorithm implemented by the subclasses.
Definition: ABase.m:154
static const REL_ERROR
Relative error tolerance reached.
Definition: StopFlag.m:47
Collection of generally useful functions.
Definition: Utils.m:17
matrix< double > MaxRelErrors
For each configuration, contains a row with the maximum relative errors on the training data...
Definition: ABase.m:139
matrix< integer > StopFlags
For each effective configuration, the stop flags are stored here.
Definition: ABase.m:184
data.FileMatrix xi
The state space samples , stored row-wise in a data.FileMatrix instance.
static const ABS_ERROR
Absolute error tolerance reached.
Definition: StopFlag.m:38
static function comb = createCombinations(ranges, varargin)
Creates the cartesian product of the vectors passed as a matrix containing elements of each vector pe...
Definition: Utils.m:114
data.FileMatrix fxi
The evaluations of , stored row-wise in a data.FileMatrix.
integer BestExpConfig
Index of the best expansion config determined by the algorithm.
Definition: ABase.m:201
A double value.
function kernels.KernelExpansion kexp = startAdaptiveExtension(data.ApproxTrainData atd, avd)
Starts the adaptive extension of the VKOGA algorithm.
Definition: VKOGA.m:135
hanges the dimensions of the handle object array to the specified dimensions. See the MATLAB reshape ...
matrix< double > ValidationRelErrors
For each configuration, contains a row with the maximum relative errors on the validation data...
Definition: ABase.m:169
VKOGA: Vectorial kernel orthogonal greedy algorithm.
Definition: VKOGA.m:19
kernels.config.ExpansionConfig ExpConfig
The different kernel expansion configurations to try.
Definition: ABase.m:55
logical UsefPGreedy
Flag on whether to use the f/P-Greedy variant instead of f-Greedy.
Definition: VKOGA.m:48
PlotManager: Small class that allows the same plots generated by some script to be either organized a...
Definition: PlotManager.m:17
function copy = clone()
Clones the instance.
Definition: VKOGA.m:113
rowvec ti
The time samples .
A boolean value.
static function [ res , d ] = test_VKOGA2D1D()
Tests the VKOGA algorithm.
Definition: VKOGA.m:415
The indices of the effectively used centers during the.
static const NEGATIVE_POWFUN
Stop flag from the VKOGA algorithm.
Definition: StopFlag.m:65
function_handle ErrorFun
The error function to apply on each data vector.
Definition: ABase.m:87
static function res = test_VKOGA1DnD()
Tests the VKOGA algorithm by running the demos.
Definition: VKOGA.m:396
double MaxAbsResidualErr
Stopping criteria for the VKOGA algorithm. The execution for on expansion configuration is stopped if...
Definition: VKOGA.m:58
#define X(i, j)
debug props
Definition: VKOGA.m:95
static function this = loadobj()
Definition: VKOGA.m:365
function n = getNumConfigurations()
Returns the number of configurations that can be applied.
char ValidationErrorMeasure
Determines which error measure is to use to select the "best" solution w.r.t. to the validation data ...
Definition: VKOGA.m:70
matrix mui
The parameter samples used computing the parent trajectories of .
matrix< double > MaxErrors
For each configuration, contains a row with the maximum errors on the training data. The number of columns depends on the type of algorithm implemented by the subclasses.
Definition: ABase.m:124
Base class for adaptive component-wise kernel approximation algorithms.
Definition: AAdaptiveBase.m:19
#define Y(i, j)
Global configuration class for all KerMor run-time settings.
Definition: KerMor.m:17
ApproxTrainData: Data class for approximation training data, containing several useful bounding box p...
static function KerMor theinstance = App()
The singleton KerMor instance.
Definition: KerMor.m:910
function A = toMemoryMatrix()
Converts this FileMatrix to a full double matrix.
Definition: ABlockedData.m:210
A MatLab character array.
double MaxRelErr
Stopping condition property. Maximum relative error that may occur.
Definition: AAdaptiveBase.m:70
ProcessIndicator: A simple class that indicates process either via waitbar or text output...
integer MaxExpansionSize
The maximum size of the expansion to produce.
Definition: AAdaptiveBase.m:50
static const MAX_SIZE
Maximum size reached.
Definition: StopFlag.m:56
StopFlag: Flags that algorithms can use to specify the reason for their termination.
Definition: StopFlag.m:17