KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace models{
2 namespace pcdi{
5 /* (Autoinserted by mtoc++)
6  * This source code has been filtered by the mtoc++ executable,
7  * which generates code that can be processed by the doxygen documentation tool.
8  *
9  * On the other hand, it can neither be interpreted by MATLAB, nor can it be compiled with a C++ compiler.
10  * Except for the comments, the function bodies of your M-file functions are untouched.
11  * Consequently, the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES doxygen switch (default in our Doxyfile.template) will produce
12  * attached source files that are highly readable by humans.
13  *
14  * Additionally, links in the doxygen generated documentation to the source code of functions and class members refer to
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16  * However, the line numbers most likely do not correspond to the line numbers in the original MATLAB source files.
17  */
40  public:
54  Gammas = "[.01 .02 .03 .04 .05]";
69  public:
72  this = this@models.pcdi.BasePCDISystem(model);
74  /* Set core function */
75  if model.WithInhibitors
76  this.f= models.pcdi.InhibitCoreFun2D(this);
77  else
78  this.f= models.pcdi.CoreFun2D(this);
79  end
81  /* Assemble kernel expansion */
82  s = RandStream(" mt19937ar "," Seed ",2);
83  k = kernels.KernelExpansion;
85  nc = 5;
86  k.Centers.xi= [.25 1 1.2 .8 .4
87  .45 .25 .65 .9 .8];
88  k.Ma= s.rand(1,nc)*1e5;
89  this.Kexp= k;
91  /* Spatial area (unscaled!) */
92  this.Omega= [0 1.5; 0 1] * this.Model.L;
94  /* Scaled! */
95  this.h= .5 * this.Model.L;
96  }
100  setConfig@models.pcdi.BasePCDISystem(this, mu, inputidx)
101  /* % Precompute diffusivity c(x,mu) on current grid */
102  cxmu = this.DiscreteCXMU.compose(0,mu);
103  /* Use same linear indexing as other quantities on grid */
104  this.CurCXMU= cxmu(:);
105  }
108  function varargout = plot(models.BaseFullModel model,double t,matrix<double> y,varargin) {
109  if ~isempty(varargin) && isa(varargin[1]," PlotManager ")
110  pm = varargin[1];
111  else
112  pm = PlotManager;
113  if nargout == 0
114  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
115  else
116  varargout[1] = pm;
117  end
118  end
119  h = pm.nextPlot([model.SaveTag " _outputplot "],...
120  sprintf(" Output plot for model %s ",model.Name)," Time "," Caspase-3 Concentration ");
121  /* plot(h,t,y,'r','LineWidth',2); */
122  semilogy(h,t,y," r "," LineWidth ",2);
123  if isempty(varargin)
124  pm.done;
125  end
126  }
129  function varargout = plotState(models.BaseFullModel model,double t,matrix<double> y,mode) {
131  if nargin < 5
132 /* mode = [2 3]; */
133  mode = 2;
134  end
136  /* Plot all fields into the same figure */
138  varargout = [];
139  if any(mode == 1)
140  this.plot1DState(model, t, y, getPM);
141  end
142  if any(mode == 2) || any(mode == 3)
143  pm1 = [];
144  if any(mode == 2)
145  pm1 = getPM;
146  end
147  pm2 = [];
148  if any(mode == 3)
149  pm2 = getPM;
150  end
151  this.plot2DState(t, y, pm1, pm2);
152  end
153  for k=1:length(varargout)
154  varargout[k].done;
155  end
157  function pm = getPM
158  if model.WithInhibitors
159  np = 4;
160  else
161  np = 2;
162  end
163  pm = PlotManager(false,2,np);
164  /* Use max 2 figures */
165  pm.MaxFigures= 1;
166  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
167  varargout[end+1] = pm;
168  end
169  }
172  function pm = plotDiffusionCoeff(colvec<double> mu,pm,allparts) {
173  if nargin < 4
174  allparts = false;
175  end
176  if nargin < 3 || isempty(pm)
177  if allparts
178  pm = PlotManager(false,2,2);
179  else
180  pm = PlotManager;
181  end
182  if nargout == 0
183  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
184  end
185  if nargin < 2
186  mu = linspace(0,1,10);
187  end
188  end
189  o = this.Omega / this.Model.L;
190  fineness = 1;
191  [x,y] = meshgrid(0:this.hs/fineness:o(1,2),0:this.hs/fineness:o(2,2));
192  apm = this.getAffParamCX(x,y," mu ");
193  if allparts
194  for k=1:length(this.Gammas)
195  h = pm.nextPlot(sprintf(" diff_coeff_%d ",k),...
196  sprintf(" Spatial diffusion coefficient base c_%d(x) for \\gamma=%g ",...
197  k,this.Gammas(k))," x "," y ");
198  surf(h,x,y,log10(apm.getMatrix(k))," EdgeColor "," interp "," FaceColor "," interp ");
199  zlabel(" Log-scaled diffusivity ");
200  end
201  end
202  for k = 1:length(mu)
203  h = pm.nextPlot(sprintf(" diff_coeff_mu_%d ",k),...
204  sprintf(" Spatial diffusion coefficient c(x) for mu(5)=%g ",...
205  mu(k))," x "," y ");
206  surf(h,x,y,log10(apm.compose(0,mu(k)))," EdgeColor "," interp "," FaceColor "," interp ");
207  zlabel(" Log-scaled diffusivity ");
208  end
209  if nargin < 3
210  pm.done;
211  end
212  }
215  protected:
217  function newSysDimension() {
218  m = prod(this.Dims);
220  /* % Compute c(x,mu) on current grid */
221  o = this.Omega / this.Model.L;
222  [x,y] = meshgrid(0:this.hs:o(1,2),0:this.hs:o(2,2));
223  this.DiscreteCXMU= this.getAffParamCX(x,y," mu(5) ");
225  /* % Initial conditions */
226  x0 = dscomponents.AffineInitialValue;
227  x0part = zeros(this.NumStateDofs,1);
228  for k = 1:this.DiscreteCXMU.N
229  M = this.DiscreteCXMU.getMatrix(k);
230  x0part(1:2*m) = [M(:); M(:)]*5e-13;
231  x0part(2*m+1:4*m) = [M(:); M(:)]*3e-8;
232  if this.Model.WithInhibitors
233  x0part(4*m+1:6*m) = [M(:); M(:)]*3e-8;
234  x0part(6*m+1:end) = [M(:); M(:)]*5e-13;
235  end
236  x0.addMatrix(this.DiscreteCXMU.funStr[k],x0part);
237  end
238  this.x0= x0;
240  /* % Diffusion part */
241  this.A= this.assembleA;
243  /* % Output extraction */
244  p = .1; /* 10% of each dimensions span, centered in geometry. */
246  d = this.Dims(1);
247  d1idx = find(abs((1:d) - d/2) <= d/2 * p);
248  if isempty(d1idx)
249  d1idx = 1;
250  end
251  d = this.Dims(2);
252  d2idx = find(abs((1:d) - d/2) <= d/2 * p);
253  if isempty(d2idx)
254  d2idx = 1;
255  end
256  [d1,d2] = meshgrid(d1idx,d2idx);
257  sel = reshape(sub2ind(this.Dims,d1,d2),1,[]);
258  C = sparse(1,this.NumStateDofs);
259  /* Pick the Caspase-3 concentration */
260  ca3 = m+1:2*m;
261  C(ca3(sel)) = 1/length(sel);
262  this.C= dscomponents.LinearOutputConv(C);
263  }
266  private:
269  function res = assembleA() {
271  D = this.Diff;
273  res = dscomponents.AffLinCoreFun(this);
274  res.TimeDependent= false;
276  /* Add constant diffusion on [0, .2] interval */
277  A = MatUtils.laplacemat(this.hs, this.Dims(1), this.Dims(2));
279  /* Use coefficient functions that split 1 into n linear
280  * functions (equally spaced) */
281  lso = LinearSplitOfOne(" mu(5) ",length(this.Gammas));
282  add(lso.getFunStr(0),A);
284  /* Then use all specified gamma widths and compute affine-linear
285  * interpolation */
286  for k=1:length(this.Gammas)
287  /* Set gamma (will influence the functions diffusionCoeff
288  * etc) */
289  this.Kexp.Kernel.Gamma= this.Gammas(k);
290  /* Compile matrix */
291  A = this.assembleASpatialDiff;
292  add(lso.getFunStr(k),A);
293  end
295  function add(str, A)
296  if this.Model.WithInhibitors
297  augA = blkdiag(A,D(1)*A,D(2)*A,D(3)*A,...
298  D(4)*A,D(5)*A,D(6)*A,D(7)*A);
299  else
300  augA = blkdiag(A,D(1)*A,D(2)*A,D(3)*A);
301  end
302  res.addMatrix(str, augA);
303  end
305  }
308  function A = assembleASpatialDiff() {
309  o = this.Omega / this.Model.L;
310  [x,y] = meshgrid(0:this.hs:o(1,2),0:this.hs:o(2,2));
311  x = x" ; y = y ";
312  if size(x,1) ~= this.Dims(1) || size(x,2) ~= this.Dims(2)
313  error(" Boo ");
314  end
316  /* % c(x) * \laplace u part
317  * laplace matrix */
318  A1 = MatUtils.laplacemat(this.hs, this.Dims(1), this.Dims(2));
319  /* times c(x) */
320  A1 = bsxfun(@times,A1,this.diffusionCoeff([x(:) y(:)]" ) ");
322  /* % grad c(x) . grad u part */
323  A2 = MatUtils.divcdivumat(x,y,@this.nablaC);
325  A = A1 + A2;
326  }
334  function apm = getAffParamCX(colvec<double> x,matrix<double> y,muarg) {
335  c = zeros(size(x,1),size(x,2),length(this.Gammas));
336  apm = general.AffParamMatrix;
337  lso = LinearSplitOfOne(muarg,length(this.Gammas));
338  apm.addMatrix(lso.getFunStr(0),ones(size(x)));
339  for k=1:length(this.Gammas)
340  this.Kexp.Kernel.Gamma= this.Gammas(k);
341  hlp = this.diffusionCoeff([x(:) y(:)]^t);
342  c(:,:,k) = reshape(hlp,size(x,1),[]);
343  apm.addMatrix(lso.getFunStr(k),c(:,:,k));
344  end
345  }
357  function c = diffusionCoeff(colvec<double> x) {
358  c = 1./(1+this.Kexp.evaluate(x));
359  }
362  function nc = nablaC(colvec<double> x) {
363  nc = -1/(1+this.Kexp.evaluate(x))^2 * this.Kexp.getStateJacobian(x);
364  }
367  function plot1DState(models.BaseFullModel model,double t,matrix<double> y,pm) {
368  m = prod(this.Dims);
370  /* Select cell center values */
371  idxmat = zeros(this.Dims);
372  idxmat(:) = 1:m;
373  sel = idxmat(:,round(this.Dims(2)/2));
374  sel = [sel; sel+m; sel+2*m; sel+3*m;...
375  sel+4*m; sel+5*m; sel+6*m; sel+7*m];
376  m = length(sel)/8;
377  y = y(sel,:);
379  if length(t) > 150
380  idx = round(linspace(1,length(t),150));
381  t = t(idx);
382  y = y(:,idx);
383  end
384  states = [" dead ", " alive ", " unstable "];
385  ss = this.Model.getSteadyStates(^t;
387  X = t;
388  Y = (this.Omega(1,1):this.h:this.Omega(1,2))/model.L;
389  pos = reshape(1:8*m,[],8)^t;
390  doplot(" c8 "," Caspase-8 (x_a) ",1);
391  doplot(" c3 "," Caspase-3 (y_a) ",2);
392  doplot(" pc8 "," Pro-Caspase-8 (x_i) ",3);
393  doplot(" pc3 "," Pro-Caspase-3 (y_i) ",4);
394  if this.Model.WithInhibitors
395  doplot(" iap "," IAP (iap) ",5);
396  doplot(" bar "," BAR (bar) ",6);
397  doplot(" yb "," Caspase-3+IAP (yb) ",7);
398  doplot(" xb "," Caspase-8+BAR (xb) ",8);
399  end
401  function doplot(tag, thetitle, pnr)
402  yl = y(pos(pnr,:),:);
403  perc = (yl(end) - ss(2,pnr)) / (ss(1,pnr) - ss(2,pnr));
404  if perc < .5
405  id = 2;
406  else
407  id = 1;
408  end
410 /* if any(reldi > .1) || any(reldi < 10)
411  * [~, id] = min(perc); */
412  tit = sprintf(" %s concentrations\nCell state at T=%.4g: %s\n%.5g (%5.2f%%) ", thetitle,...
413  max(t),states[id],yl(end),perc*100);
414 /* else
415  * tit = sprintf('%s concentrations\n%s', thetitle,reldistr);
416  * end */
417  if pm.Single
418  tit = sprintf(" Model '%s'\n%s ",model.Name,tit);
419  end
420  h = pm.nextPlot(tag,tit," Time [s] "," Cell slice ");
421  surf(h,X,Y,yl," EdgeColor "," none ");
422  zlabel(h,thetitle);
423  end
424  }
427  function plot2DState(rowvec t,matrix v,pm1,pm2) {
429  m = prod(this.Dims);
430  pos = reshape(1:8*m,[],8)^t;
432  /* % Plot timesteps */
433  a = this.Omega;
434  x = a(1,1):this.h:a(1,2);
435  y = a(2,1):this.h:a(2,2);
436  [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
437  X = X^t;
438  Y = Y^t;
440  step = round(length(t)/40);
441  for idx=1:step:length(t)
442  /* % Mode 2 plots */
443  if ~isempty(pm1)
444  imagescplot(1);
445  imagescplot(2);
446  imagescplot(3);
447  imagescplot(4);
448  if this.Model.WithInhibitors
449  imagescplot(5);
450  imagescplot(6);
451  imagescplot(7);
452  imagescplot(8);
453  end
454  pm1.done;
455  end
456  set(gcf," Name ",sprintf(" Concentration top view at t=%f ",t(idx)));
457  /* % Mode 3 plots */
458  if ~isempty(pm2)
459  surfplot(1);
460  surfplot(2);
461  surfplot(3);
462  surfplot(4);
463  if this.Model.WithInhibitors
464  surfplot(5);
465  surfplot(6);
466  surfplot(7);
467  surfplot(8);
468  end
469  pm2.done;
470  rotate3d on;
471  end
472  set(gcf," Name ",sprintf(" Augmented concentration differences at t=%f ",t(idx)));
473  if idx ~= length(t)
474  pause(.1);
475  if any(~ishandle(h))
476  return;
477  end
478  end
479  end
481  function imagescplot(dim)
482  V = reshape(v(pos(dim,:),idx),this.Dims(1),[])^t;
483  h = pm1.nextPlot(sprintf(" PCDI2D_plot2D_%d ",this.Tags[dim]),...
484  sprintf(" %s concentrations ", this.Labels[dim])," x "," y ");
485  imagesc(x,y,V," Parent ",h);
486  set(h," DataAspectRatio ",[1 1 1]);
487  axis(h," xy ");
488  colorbar(" peer ",h," SouthOutside ");
489  end
491  function surfplot(dim)
492  /* Extract the data for the current cell */
493  V = reshape(v(pos(dim,:),idx),this.Dims(1),[]);
495  /* Augment the differences */
496  mv = mean(V(:));
497  diff = V - mv;
498  diffnorm = norm(diff);
499  V = mv + diff/diffnorm;
501  h = pm2.nextPlot(sprintf(" PCDI2D_plot2D_%d ",this.Tags[dim]),...
502  sprintf(" %s concentration difference\n Mean %g, augmented by %g ",...
503  this.Labels[dim],mv,diffnorm)," x "," y ");
504  /* delete(get(h,'Children')); */
505  surf(h,X,Y,V," FaceColor "," interp "," EdgeColor "," none ");
506  ar = get(h," DataAspectRatio ");
507  set(h," DataAspectRatio ",[1 1 ar(3)]);
508  axis(h," tight ");
509  end
510  }
526 };
527 }
528 }
function varargout = plotState(models.BaseFullModel model,double t,matrix< double > y, mode)
Definition: PCDISystem2D.m:129
The system's dimensions.
char Name
The name of the Model.
Definition: BaseModel.m:117
The concentration labels.
Gamma values to use as kernel width for diffusivity Gammas = .08;.
Definition: PCDISystem2D.m:54
The concentration image tags.
LinearSplitOfOne: Computes a sequence of hat functions at equidistant nodes from [0,len] to enable an efficient, easy way of division of unity.
scaled spatial stepwidth
The base class for any KerMor detailed model.
Definition: BaseFullModel.m:18
PCDISystem2D(models.BaseFullModel model)
Definition: PCDISystem2D.m:71
The Model this System is attached to.
Spatial stepwidth (in unscaled size units!) is set in subclasses.
function setConfig(colvec< double > mu,integer inputidx)
Definition: PCDISystem2D.m:99
function pm = plotDiffusionCoeff(colvec< double > mu, pm, allparts)
Definition: PCDISystem2D.m:172
hanges the dimensions of the handle object array to the specified dimensions. See the MATLAB reshape ...
An integer value.
PlotManager: Small class that allows the same plots generated by some script to be either organized a...
Definition: PlotManager.m:17
The current inputindex of the function .
function fx = evaluate(matrix x, varargin)
Evaluates the kernel expansion.
dscomponents.AInitialValue x0
Function handle to initial state evaluation.
function newSysDimension()
Custom updates for new system dimension.
Definition: PCDISystem2D.m:217
PCDISystem2D The inhibited version programmed cell death model for 2D geometry.
Definition: PCDISystem2D.m:19
logical LeaveOpen
Flag indicating if the plots should be left open once the PlotManager is deleted (as variable) ...
Definition: PlotManager.m:213
A variable number of input arguments.
The spatial width/area/region (in unscaled size units!)
static function [ A , idxmat ] = laplacemat(h, d1, d2)
Computes a 2D diffusion sparse matrix with zero neuman boundary conditions.
Definition: MatUtils.m:34
The current parameter for simulations, [] is none used.
function J = getStateJacobian(x, varargin)
Evaluates the jacobian matrix of this function at the given point.
BasePCDISystem The base dynamical system class for the the Programmed Cell Death Model by Markus Daub...
#define X(i, j)
kernels.KernelExpansion Kexp
The kernel expansion used to construct the diffusion coefficient distribution.
Definition: PCDISystem2D.m:42
function varargout = plot(models.BaseFullModel model,double t,matrix< double > y, varargin)
Definition: PCDISystem2D.m:108
dscomponents.LinearOutputConv C
The output conversion Defaults to an LinearOutputConv instance using a 1-matrix, which just forwards ...
dscomponents.ACoreFun f
The core f function from the dynamical system.
dscomponents.ACoreFun g
The system's algebraic constraints function.
MatUtils: Matrix utility functions.
Definition: MatUtils.m:17
#define Y(i, j)
A matlab row vector.
dscomponents.AMassMatrix M
The system's mass matrix.
Relative diffusion coefficients ([d2/d1, d3/d1, d4/d1])
dscomponents.LinearCoreFun A
Represents a linear or affine-linear component of the dynamical system.
char SaveTag
A custom tag that can be used as a prefix to files for corresponding model identification.
KernelExpansion: Base class for state-space kernel expansions.
A variable number of output arguments.