KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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1 namespace testing{
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16  */
18 class LogNorm {
25  public: /* ( Static ) */
28  static function [aln , times , rowvec<integer>st_sizes ] = compareSimTransJac_FullJac(models.BaseFullModel m,rowvec<integer> st_sizes) {
30  /* Get required data */
31  jtd = m.Data.JacobianTrainData;
32  QFull = m.ErrorEstimator.QFull;
33  f = m.System.f;
35  /* Input checks */
36  if nargin < 2
37  st_sizes = 1:size(QFull,2);
38  end
40  /* Preps */
41  stn = length(st_sizes);
42  n = size(jtd.xi,2);
43  aln = zeros(stn,n);
44  times = zeros(stn,n);
45  pi = ProcessIndicator(" Computing approximated log norms for %d full jacobians and %d sim. trans. orders ",...
46  n*stn,false,n,stn);
47  for nr = 1:n
48  J = f.getStateJacobian(jtd.xi(:,nr),jtd.ti(nr),jtd.mui(:,nr));
49  for snr = 1:stn
50  Qk = QFull(:,1:st_sizes(snr));
51  t = tic;
52  aln(snr,nr) = Utils.logNorm(Qk^t*J*Qk);
53  times(snr,nr) = toc(t);
54  pi.step;
55  end
56  end
57  pi.stop;
58  if nargout == 0
59  testing.DEIM.compareSimTransJac_FullJac_plots(m, aln, times, st_sizes);
60  end
61  }
87  static function pm = compareSimTransJac_FullJac_plots(m,aln,times,st_sizes,pm) {
88  if nargin < 5
89  pm = PlotManager(false,2,2);
90  end
91  jstd = m.Data.JacSimTransData;
92  pm.nextPlot(" correct_ln ",sprintf(" Full logarithmic norms\nJacobian full dimension %dx%d ",...
93  m.System.f.fDim,m.System.f.xDim));
94  plot(jstd.LogNorms);
96  if size(aln,1) > 1
97  [X,Y] = meshgrid(1:size(aln,2),st_sizes);
98  LN = repmat(jstd.LogNorms,size(aln,1),1);
99  end
101  if size(aln,1) == 1
102  h = pm.nextPlot(" approx_ln ",...
103  sprintf(" Approx logarithmic norms\nSimilarity transformation size %d ",...
104  st_sizes));
105  plot(h, aln);
106  else
107  h = pm.nextPlot(" approx_ln "," Approx logarithmic norms ",...
108  " training sample "," similarity transform size ");
109  LogPlot.nicesurf(h, X, Y, aln);
110  end
112  h = pm.nextPlot(" rel_err "," Relative error "," training sample ",...
113  " similarity transform size ");
114  LogPlot.logsurf(h,X,Y,abs((LN-aln)./LN));
116  sv = m.ErrorEstimator.QSingVals;
117  s = m.ErrorEstimator.JacSimTransMaxSize;
118  h = pm.nextPlot(" sing_vals ",...
119  sprintf(" Singular values of SVD of eigenvector matrix\nBlack line: Max size of sim. trans., singular value= %g ",...
120  sv(s))," POD Modes "," Singular values ");
121  semilogy(h,sv);
122  hold on;
123  plot(h,[s s+eps],[min(sv) max(sv)]," k ");
124  hold off;
126  h = pm.nextPlot(" comp_times ",...
127  sprintf(" Average computation times (over %d values)\nfor log norms of similarity transformed matrices ",...
128  size(times,2))," similarity transformation size "," mean computation time ");
129  me = mean(times,2);
130  semilogy(h,st_sizes,me," -s ");
131  if nargout < 1
132  pm.done;
133  end
134  }
137  static function [aln , times , jtimes , rowvec<integer>deim_orders , rowvec<integer>st_sizes ] = compareSimTransDEIMJac_FullJac(models.BaseFullModel m,rowvec<integer> deim_orders,rowvec<integer> st_sizes) {
139  /* Get required data */
140  jtd = m.Data.JacobianTrainData;
141  /* zi = m.Data.W'*jtd.xi; */
142  e = m.ErrorEstimator;
143  jd = e.JacMDEIM;
145  /* Input checks */
146  if nargin < 3
147  st_sizes = [1:e.JacSimTransMaxSize 0];
148  if nargin < 2
149  deim_orders = 1:jd.MaxOrder;
150  end
151  end
153  /* Preps */
154  stn = length(st_sizes);
155  n = size(jtd.xi,2);
156  no = length(deim_orders);
158  aln = zeros(no,stn,n);
159  times = aln;
160  jtimes = aln;
161  pi = ProcessIndicator(" Computing approximated log norms over %d DEIM orders and %d sim. trans. sizes on %d training values ",...
162  numel(aln),false,no,stn,n);
163  for onr = 1:no
164  jd.Order= deim_orders(onr);
165  for snr = 1:stn
166  jd.setSimilarityTransform(e.QFull(:,1:st_sizes(snr)));
167  for nr = 1:n
168  t = tic;
169  J = jd.evaluate(jtd.xi(:,nr),jtd.ti(nr),jtd.mui(:,nr));
170  jtimes(onr,snr,nr) = toc(t);
171  t = tic;
172  aln(onr,snr,nr) = Utils.logNorm(J);
173  times(onr,snr,nr) = toc(t);
174  pi.step;
175  end
176  end
177  end
178  pi.stop;
179  }
211  static function pm = compareSimTransDEIMJac_FullJac_plots(m,aln,times,jtimes,deim_orders,st_sizes,pm) {
212  if nargin < 7
213  pm = PlotManager(false,2,2);
214  end
216  jstd = m.Data.JacSimTransData;
217  n = size(aln,3);
218  ln = reshape(jstd.LogNorms,1,1,[]);
219  ln = repmat(ln,[length(deim_orders), length(st_sizes), 1]);
221  abserr = abs(aln-ln);
222  relerr = abs(abserr ./ ln);
223  relerr(isnan(relerr)) = 0;
225  /* Aggregate errors over trajectory sample data
226  *aln = sqrt(sum(aln.^2,3)); */
227  abserr = mean(abserr,3);
228  relerr = mean(relerr,3);
230  /* Mean the times too */
231  ttimes = times + jtimes;
232  times = mean(times,3);
233  jtimes = mean(jtimes,3);
234  ttimes = mean(ttimes,3);
236  [X,Y] = meshgrid(st_sizes,deim_orders);
238  h = pm.nextPlot(" abs_err ",sprintf(" Mean absolute approximation error over %d samples ",n),...
239  " Similarity transformation size "," DEIM order ");
240  LogPlot.logsurf(h,X,Y,abserr);
242  h = pm.nextPlot(" rel_err ",sprintf(" Mean relative approximation error over %d samples ",n),...
243  " Similarity transformation size "," DEIM order ");
244  LogPlot.logsurf(h,X,Y,relerr);
246  h = pm.nextPlot(" comp_times_j ",...
247  sprintf(" Average computation times over %d values\nfor matrix DEIM jacobian evaluation ",...
248  n)," Similarity transformation size "," DEIM order ");
249  LogPlot.nicesurf(h,X,Y,jtimes);
251  h = pm.nextPlot(" comp_times ",...
252  sprintf(" Average computation times over %d values\nfor log norm computation of sim.trans. matrix DEIM jacobian ",...
253  n)," Similarity transformation size "," DEIM order ");
254  LogPlot.nicesurf(h,X,Y,times);
256  h = pm.nextPlot(" comp_times_total ",...
257  sprintf(" Average total computation times over %d values\n(jac comp + log norm comp) ",...
258  n)," Similarity transformation size "," DEIM order ");
259  LogPlot.nicesurf(h,X,Y,ttimes);
261  if nargout < 1
262  pm.done;
263  end
264  }
277  static function structres = getApproxLogNormsAtPos(models.BaseFullModel mo,colvec<double> x,double t,matrix<double> mui) {
279  /* Get required data */
280  e = mo.ErrorEstimator;
281  if isa(mo," models.ReducedModel ")
282  fm = mo.FullModel;
283  else
284  fm = mo;
285  end
286  jd = e.JacMDEIM;
288  /* Input checks */
289  if nargin < 4
290  mui = fm.Data.ParamSamples;
291  end
293  /* Preps */
294  n = size(x,2);
295  if ~isempty(t)
296  if length(t) == 1
297  t = ones(1,n)*t;
298  elseif length(t) ~= n
299  error(" Size of t vector must match column count of x ");
300  end
301  end
302  m = size(mui,2);
303  aln = zeros(n,m);
304  times = aln;
305  jtimes = aln;
306  pi = ProcessIndicator(" Computing approximated log norms for %d parameter values at %d locations ",n*m,false,m,n);
307  for i = 1:n
308  for j = 1:m
309  tc = tic;
310  J = jd.evaluate(x(:,i),t(i),mui(:,j));
311  jtimes(i,j) = toc(tc);
312  tc = tic;
313  aln(i,j) = Utils.logNorm(J);
314  times(i,j) = toc(tc);
315  pi.step;
316  end
317  end
318  pi.stop;
319  res.aln= aln;
320  res.times= times;
321  res.jtimes= jtimes;
322  res.mJ= e.JacMatDEIMOrder;
323  res.k= e.JacSimTransSize;
324  res.mui= mui;
325  res.munames= [mo.System.Params(:).Name];
326  }
354  static function getApproxLogNormsAtPos_plots(res,pm) {
355  str = sprintf(" \nm_J = %d, k=%d, %d locations ",res.mJ, res.k, size(res.aln,1));
356  if size(res.mui,1) == 1
357  if size(res.aln,1) == 1
358  h = pm.nextPlot(" aln_min ",[" Log norms at given location " str],res.munames[1]);
359  LogPlot.cleverPlot(h,res.mui,res.aln," b ");
360  else
361  [X,Y] = meshgrid(res.mui,1:size(res.aln,1));
362  h = pm.nextPlot(" aln_min ",[" Log norms over all locations " str],res.munames[1]," location nr ");
363  surf(h,X,Y,res.aln," EdgeColor "," none "," FaceColor "," interp ");
364  end
365  elseif size(res.mui,1) == 2
366  tri = delaunay(res.mui(1,:),res.mui(2,:));
367  if size(res.aln,1) == 1
368  h = pm.nextPlot(" aln_min ",[" Log norms at given location " str],res.munames[:]);
369  trisurf(tri,res.mui(1,:),res.mui(2,:),res.aln,...
370  " EdgeColor "," none "," FaceColor "," interp "," Parent ",h);
371  else
372  /* % Animation
373  * h = pm.nextPlot('aln','Approximated Jacobian log norms over sample parameters');
374  * for k=1:size(res.aln,1)
375  * trisurf(tri,res.mui(1,:),res.mui(2,:),res.aln(k,:),...
376  * 'EdgeColor','none','FaceColor','interp','Parent',h);
377  * title(h,sprintf('Approximated Jacobian log norms over sample parameters, pos: %d',k));
378  * view(90,0);
379  * pause;
380  * end
381  *% Min/Max plot */
382  alnmin = min(res.aln,[],1);
383  alnmax = max(res.aln,[],1);
384  h = pm.nextPlot(" aln_min ",[" Minimum log norms over all locations " str],res.munames[:]);
385  trisurf(tri,res.mui(1,:),res.mui(2,:),alnmin,...
386  " EdgeColor "," none "," FaceColor "," interp "," Parent ",h);
387  h = pm.nextPlot(" aln_min ",[" Max log norms over all locations " str],res.munames[:]);
388  trisurf(tri,res.mui(1,:),res.mui(2,:),alnmax,...
389  " EdgeColor "," none "," FaceColor "," interp "," Parent ",h);
390  h = pm.nextPlot(" aln_min ",[" Max-Min log norms over all locations " str],res.munames[:]);
391  trisurf(tri,res.mui(1,:),res.mui(2,:),alnmax-alnmin,...
392  " EdgeColor "," none "," FaceColor "," interp "," Parent ",h);
393  end
394  else
395  error(" Cannot plot results for more than two parameters ");
396  end
397  }
400  static function [res , mScale , MScale , pos , l , sel , seli ] = CompLogNorms(m,numt) {
403  atd = m.Data.ApproxTrainData;
404  N = size(atd.xi,2);
406  if nargin < 2
407  numt = N;
408  else
409  numt = min(numt, N);
410  end
411  seed = 1;
412  /* Show plots for each numt value */
413  doplot = 4==5;
414  /* Sort training points after norm values (ascending) */
415  dosort = 4==5;
416  /* Plot negative local logarithmic norms */
417  plotneg = 4==4;
419  r = RandStream(" mt19937ar "," Seed ",seed);
421  /* sel = unique(r.randi(N,1,num)); */
422  sel = 1:N;
423  seli = unique(r.randi(N,1,numt));
424  n = length(seli);
426  pi = ProcessIndicator(" Computing %d local log norms, maxed over %d training points ",n,false,n,length(sel));
427  ln = zeros(1,n);
428  l = ln;
429  pos = l;
431  if doplot
432  pm = PlotManager(false, 2, 2);
433  end
435  xi = atd.xi(:,sel);
436  fxi = atd.fxi(:,sel);
437  V = m.Data.V;
438  W = m.Data.W;
440  /* % Compute constant terms */
441  xinsq = sum(xi.^2);
443  /* Optional sorting of values */
444  if doplot && dosort
445  [xinsq sortidx] = sort(xinsq);
446  xi = xi(:,sortidx);
447  fxi = fxi(:,sortidx);
448  end
450  xifxi = sum(xi.*fxi);
451  Vfxi = V^t*fxi;
452  Vxi = V^t*xi;
453  VV = 1;/* V'*V;
454  * if norm(VV) - 1 < 1e-12
455  * VV = 1;
456  * end */
459  /* Locally selected "Vz" terms */
460  zi = W^t*atd.xi(:,seli);
461  MU = atd.mui(:,seli);
462  fVzi = m.System.f.evaluate(V*zi,atd.ti(seli),MU);
464  /* Only needed for efficient local lipschitz constant computation
465  * fxinsq = sum(fxi.*fxi); */
467  /* % Main loop */
468  for i = 1:n
469  z = zi(:,i);
470  fz = fVzi(:,i);
471  nom = xifxi - z" *Vfxi + z "*(V^t*fz);
472  nom = nom - fz^t*xi;
473  denom = xinsq - 2*z" *Vxi + z "*(VV*z);
474  Ln = nom ./ denom;
475  /* denom(zer) = sum((xi(:,zer)-V*z(:,ones(1, length(zer)))).^2); */
477  /* L = sqrt(abs((fxinsq - 2*fz'*fxi + fz'*fz) ./ denom));
478  * L2 = Norm.L2(fxi - fVzi(:,ones(1,length(sel))*i)) ./ sqrt(denom); */
480  [~, idx] = sort(denom);
481  Ln = Ln(idx);
483  zer = denom == 0;
484  Ln(zer) = [];
486  [ln(i), pos(i)] = max(Ln);
488  /* [~, sortidx] = sort(denom);
489  * Ln = Ln(sortidx); */
490  if doplot
491  ti = sprintf(" Idx %d: loc Lip const %g, loc log norm %g ",seli(i),l(i),ln(i));
492  ax = pm.nextPlot(" blah ",ti," training point "," local [lip const (b), log norm (g)] ");
493  neg = Ln <= 0;
494  if plotneg
495  Lnn = -Ln;
496  end
497  Ln(neg) = 0;
498  hlp = [L; Ln];
499  if plotneg
500  Lnn(~neg) = 0;
501  hlp = [hlp; Lnn];/* #ok */
503  end
504  semilogy(ax, hlp^t);
505  end
506  pi.step;
507  end
508  if doplot
509  pm.done;
510  end
511  pi.stop;
513  res = data.ApproxTrainData(zi,[],[]);
514  res.fxi= ln;
515  res = data.ApproxTrainData.makeUniqueXi(res);
516  [res, mScale, MScale] = data.ApproxTrainData.scaleXiZeroOne(res);
517  }
542 };
543 }
Collection of generally useful functions.
Definition: Utils.m:17
static function pm = compareSimTransDEIMJac_FullJac_plots(m, aln, times, jtimes, deim_orders, st_sizes, pm)
See WSH12 tests_burgers for likely better plot routine.
Definition: LogNorm.m:211
LogPlot: Class with static functions for logarithmic plotting.
Definition: LogPlot.m:17
The parameters usable for the dynamical system.
error.BaseEstimator ErrorEstimator
The associated error estimator for this model.
The base class for any KerMor detailed model.
Definition: BaseFullModel.m:18
models.BaseFirstOrderSystem System
The actual dynamical system used in the model.
Definition: BaseModel.m:102
static function [ aln , times , rowvec< integer > st_sizes ] = compareSimTransJac_FullJac(models.BaseFullModel m,rowvec< integer > st_sizes)
% Comparison of similarity transformed jacobian log norms to full log norms Computes logarithmic norm...
Definition: LogNorm.m:28
static function [ res , mScale , MScale , pos , l , sel , seli ] = CompLogNorms(m, numt)
Definition: LogNorm.m:400
static function pm = compareSimTransJac_FullJac_plots(m, aln, times, st_sizes, pm)
Definition: LogNorm.m:87
PlotManager: Small class that allows the same plots generated by some script to be either organized a...
Definition: PlotManager.m:17
static function handle p = logsurf(handle h,matrix< double > X,matrix< double > Y,matrix< double > Z, varargin)
Creates a nice surface plot in a logarithmic scale with the given data.
Definition: LogPlot.m:79
static function handle p = cleverPlot(handle ax,rowvec< double > x,rowvec< double > y, varargin)
Calls corresponding plot routines depending on the scale of data.
Definition: LogPlot.m:158
static function struct res = getApproxLogNormsAtPos(models.BaseFullModel mo,colvec< double > x,double t,matrix< double > mui)
Computes logarithmic norms of similarity transformed AND matrix DEIM approximated jacobians at the po...
Definition: LogNorm.m:277
static function [ aln , times , jtimes , rowvec< integer > deim_orders , rowvec< integer > st_sizes ] = compareSimTransDEIMJac_FullJac(models.BaseFullModel m,rowvec< integer > deim_orders,rowvec< integer > st_sizes)
% Comparison of similarity transformed DEIM-approximated jacobian log norms to full log norms Compute...
Definition: LogNorm.m:137
#define X(i, j)
data.ModelData Data
The full model's data container. Defaults to an empty container.
static function handle p = nicesurf(handle h,matrix< double > X,matrix< double > Y,matrix< double > Z, varargin)
Creates a nice surface plot with the given data.
Definition: LogPlot.m:41
dscomponents.ACoreFun f
The core f function from the dynamical system.
data.ApproxTrainData JacobianTrainData
Training data for the jacobian approximation.
Definition: ModelData.m:120
#define Y(i, j)
static function getApproxLogNormsAtPos_plots(res, pm)
Definition: LogNorm.m:354
static function [ double ln , colvec< double > v ] = logNorm(matrix< double > A,matrix< double > G,colvec< double > v0)
Computes the logarithmic norm of a matrix , optionally using a positive definite symmetric matrix in...
Definition: Utils.m:551
ProcessIndicator: A simple class that indicates process either via waitbar or text output...