KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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18  :public handle {
37  public:
39  SingleFigures = false;
42  UseOutput = true;
45  private:
47  rm;
50  public:
54  if ~isa(rmodel," models.ReducedModel ")
55  error(" rmodel must be a models.ReducedModel subclass. ");
56  end
57  this.rm= rmodel;
58  }
61  function [matrix<double>params , errs , details ] = getRedErrForRandomParamSamples(integer num,integer seed,in) {
62  if nargin < 4
63  in = [];
64  if nargin < 3
65  seed = round(cputime*100);
66  if nargin < 2
67  num = 50;
68  end
69  end
70  end
71  params = this.rm.FullModel.getRandomParam(num, seed);
72  [errs, details] = getRedErrForParamSamples(this, params, in);
73  }
93  function [errs , details ] = getRedErrForParamSamples(integer params,integer in) {
94  fm = this.rm.FullModel;
95  if nargin < 3
96  in = [];
97  if nargin < 2
98  params = fm.Data.ParamSamples;
99  end
100  end
101  num = size(params,2);
102  details = struct;
103  details.params= params;
104  details.L2Errs= zeros(num,length(fm.Times));
105  details.L2Fullsol= details.L2Errs;
106  details.L2OutErrs= details.L2Errs;
107  details.L2OutFullsol= details.L2Errs;
108  details.Linferrs= details.L2Errs;
109  details.Linftruesolnorm= details.L2Errs;
110  details.Times= zeros(num,2); /* computation times full/reduced */
112  haveerrest = ~isempty(this.rm.ErrorEstimator) && this.rm.ErrorEstimator.Enabled;
113  if haveerrest
114  details.Estimates= details.L2Errs;
115  details.OutEstimates= details.L2Errs;
116  errs = zeros(8,num);
117  else
118  errs = zeros(6,num);
119  end
120  pi = ProcessIndicator(" Computing reduction error details for %d param samples ",...
121  num,false,num);
122  for pidx = 1:num
123  mu = params(:,pidx);
124  [~, y, tf, x] = fm.simulate(mu, in);
125  [~, yr, tr, xr] = this.rm.simulate(mu, in);
126  details.Times(pidx,:) = [tf tr];
127  details.L2Errs(pidx,:) = Norm.L2(x-this.rm.V*xr);
128  details.L2Fullsol(pidx,:) = Norm.L2(x);
129  details.L2OutErrs(pidx,:) = Norm.L2(y-yr);
130  details.L2OutFullsol(pidx,:) = Norm.L2(y);
131  details.Linferrs(pidx,:) = Norm.Linf(x-this.rm.V*xr);
132  details.Linftruesolnorm(pidx,:) = Norm.Linf(x);
133  errs(1,pidx) = max(details.L2Errs(pidx,:)); /* linf l2 err */
135  errs(2,pidx) = errs(1,pidx) ./ max(details.L2Fullsol(pidx,:)); /* rel */
137  errs(3,pidx) = max(details.L2OutErrs(pidx,:)); /* linf l2 err - output */
139  errs(4,pidx) = errs(3,pidx) ./ max(details.L2OutFullsol(pidx,:)); /* rel - output */
141  errs(5,pidx) = max(details.Linferrs(pidx,:)); /* linf linf err */
143  errs(6,pidx) = errs(5,pidx) ./ max(details.Linftruesolnorm(pidx,:)); /* rel */
145  if haveerrest
146  /* Effectivity (w.r.t. L2 error)
147  * State space */
148  details.Estimates(pidx,:) = this.rm.ErrorEstimator.StateError;
149  errs(5,pidx) = details.Estimates(pidx,end)/details.L2Errs(pidx,end);
150  /* Output */
151  details.OutEstimates(pidx,:) = this.rm.ErrorEstimator.OutputError;
152  errs(6,pidx) = details.OutEstimates(pidx,end)/details.L2OutErrs(pidx,end);
153  end
154  pi.step;
155  end
156  pi.stop;
157  }
176  function plotRedErrForParamSamples(errs,pm) {
177  }
185  function [t , pm ] = compareRedFull(mu,inputidx) {
186  if nargin < 3
187  inputidx = [];
188  if nargin < 2
189  mu = [];
190  end
191  end
192  fm = this.rm.FullModel;
193  [~, y, ftime] = fm.simulate(mu,inputidx);
194  [ti,yr, rtime] = this.rm.simulate(mu,inputidx);
195  /* % Text output */
196  str = sprintf(" %s ",fm.Name);
197  if ~isempty(mu)
198  str = sprintf(" %s, mu=[%s] ",str,Utils.implode(mu," , "," %2.3f "));
199  end
200  if ~isempty(inputidx)
201  str = sprintf(" %s, u_%d ",str,inputidx);
202  end
203  t = PrintTable(" Computation times %s: ",str);
204  t.HasRowHeader= true;
205  t.addRow(" Full model ",ftime,[" %2.4fs "]);
206  t.addRow(" Reduced model ",rtime,[" %2.4fs "]);
207  t.addRow(" Speedup ",ftime/rtime,[" x%2.4f "]);
208  t.display;
210  /* L^2 errors */
211  l2 = Norm.L2(yr-y);
212  lil2 = max(l2);
213  l2l2 = Norm.L2(l2^t);
214  meanl2 = mean(l2);
215  l2relyl2 = l2 ./ Norm.L2(y);
216  l2l2relyl2 = Norm.L2(l2relyl2^t);
217  lil2relyl2 = max(l2relyl2);
218  meanrell2 = mean(l2relyl2);
219  /* fprintf('||y(t_i)||_2: %s',Utils.implode(l2,', ','%2.3f')); */
220  t = PrintTable(" Error comparison for %s: ",str);
221  t.addRow(" L2 time and space error "," L^2(||y(t) - yr(t)||_2,[0,T]) ",l2l2);
222  t.addRow(" Linf time and L2 space error "," L^inf(||y(t) - yr(t)||_2,[0,T]) ",lil2);
223  t.addRow(" Relative L2 time and space error "," L^2(||(y(t) - yr(t)) / y(t)||_2,[0,T]) ",l2l2relyl2);
224  t.addRow(" Relative Linf time and L2 space error ", " L^inf(||(y(t) - yr(t)) / y(t)||_2,[0,T]) ",lil2relyl2);
225  t.addRow(" Mean L2 error "," Mean(||y(t) - yr(t)||_2,[0,T]) ",meanl2);
226  t.addRow(" Mean relative L2 error "," Mean(||(y(t) - yr(t)) / y(t)||_2,[0,T]) ",meanrell2);
228  /* L^inf errors */
229  li = Norm.Linf(yr-y);
230  lili = max(li);
231  l2li = Norm.L2(li^t);
232  meanli = mean(li);
233  lirelyli = li ./ Norm.Linf(y);
234  l2lirelyli = Norm.L2(lirelyli^t);
235  lilirelyli = max(lirelyli);
236  meanrelli = mean(lirelyli);
237  t.addRow(" Linf time and space error "," L^inf(||y(t) - yr(t)||_inf,[0,T]) ",lili);
238  t.addRow(" L2 time and Linf space error "," L^2(||y(t) - yr(t)||_inf,[0,T]) ",l2li);
239  t.addRow(" Relative Linf time and space error "," L^inf(||(y(t) - yr(t)) / y(t)||_inf,[0,T]) ",lilirelyli);
240  t.addRow(" Relative L2 time and Linf space error "," L^2(||(y(t) - yr(t)) / y(t)||_inf,[0,T]) ",l2lirelyli);
241  t.addRow(" Mean Linf error "," Mean(||y(t) - yr(t)||_inf,[0,T]) ",meanli);
242  t.addRow(" Mean relative Linf error "," Mean(||(y(t) - yr(t)) / y(t)||_inf,[0,T]) ",meanrelli);
243  if nargout < 1
244  t.display;
245  end
247  /* % Plotting */
248  pm = PlotManager(false, 2, 2);
249  fm.plot(ti, y, pm.nextPlot(" full_sim ",sprintf(" Full simulation\n%s ",str)));
250  fm.plot(ti, yr, pm.nextPlot(" red_sim ",sprintf(" Reduced simulation\n%s ",str)));
251  fm.plot(ti, log10(abs(y-yr)), pm.nextPlot(" abs_err ",sprintf(" Absolute error (log scale)\n%s ",str)));
252  hlp = abs(y);
253  fm.plot(ti, log10(abs(y-yr)./hlp), pm.nextPlot(" rel_err ",sprintf(" Relative error (log scale)\n%s ",str)));
254  pm.done;
255  if nargout < 2
256  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
257  end
258  }
276  function [el2 , elinf , doublet , colvec<double>x , fx , afx ] = getTrajApproxError(colvec<double> mu,integer inputidx) {
277  fm = this.rm.FullModel;
278  if ~isempty(fm.Approx)
279  if nargin == 2
280  inputidx = [];
281  end
282  /* Computes trajectory (including cache-lookup in
283  * BaseFullModel!) */
284  [t,x] = fm.computeTrajectory(mu, inputidx);
285  if ~isempty(this.rm.V)
286  x = this.rm.V*(this.rm.W^t*x);
287  end
288  mu = repmat(mu,1,numel(t));
289  fx = fm.Approx.evaluateMulti(x,t,mu);
290  afx = fm.System.f.evaluateMulti(x,t,mu);
291  el2 = Norm.L2(fx-afx);
292  elinf = Norm.Linf(fx-afx);
293  else
294  error(" The approximation error can only be computed for models with an approx.BaseApprox instance present. ");
295  end
296  }
308  function [el2 , elinf , pm ] = getATDError(pm) {
310  rm = this.rm;
311  fm = rm.FullModel;
313  if ~isempty(fm.Approx)
314  if nargin < 2
315  pm = PlotManager(false,2,2);
316  end
317  /* Full approx */
318  atd = fm.Data.ApproxTrainData;
319  afx = fm.Approx.evaluateMulti(atd.xi.toMemoryMatrix,atd.ti,atd.mui);
320  s = 1:size(atd.xi,2);
321  fx = atd.fxi.toMemoryMatrix;
322  nofx = Norm.L2(fx);
323  el2 = Norm.L2(fx-afx);
324  elinf = Norm.Linf(fx-afx);
325  h = pm.nextPlot(" abs_l2 "," Absolute L2 error "," x_i "," L2 ");
326  LogPlot.cleverPlot(h,s,el2);
327  h = pm.nextPlot(" rel_l2 "," Relative L2 error "," x_i "," L2 ");
328  LogPlot.cleverPlot(h,s,el2./nofx);
330  if ~isempty(rm.V)
331  rd = size(rm.V);
332  /* Projected variant */
333  apfx = this.rm.System.f.evaluateMulti(rm.W^t*atd.xi,atd.ti,atd.mui);
334  nofx = Norm.L2(afx);
335  pel2 = Norm.L2(afx-rm.V*apfx);
336  h = pm.nextPlot(" abs_proj_l2 ",...
337  sprintf(" Absolute L2 error projected vs full approx, %d/%d dims ",rd(2),rd(1)),...
338  " x_i "," L2 ");
339  LogPlot.cleverPlot(h,s,pel2);
340  h = pm.nextPlot(" rel_proj_l2 ",...
341  sprintf(" Relative L2 error projected vs full approx, %d/%d dims ",rd(2),rd(1)),...
342  " x_i "," L2 ");
343  LogPlot.cleverPlot(h,s,pel2./nofx);
344  end
346  pm.done;
347  if nargout < 3
348  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
349  end
350  else
351  error(" The approximation error can only be computed for models with an approx.BaseApprox instance present. ");
352  end
354  }
368  function pm = analyzeError(colvec<double> mu,integer inputidx,pm) {
369  if isempty(this.rm.ErrorEstimator)
370  error(" Error analysis only available for models with error estimator ");
371  end
372  rmodel = this.rm;
373  if nargin < 4
374  pm = PlotManager(false, 2, 3);
375  if nargin < 3
376  inputidx = rmodel.DefaultInput;
377  if nargin < 2
378  mu = rmodel.DefaultMu;
379  end
380  end
381  end
384  /* % Initial computations */
385  [~, y, time, x] = rmodel.FullModel.simulate(mu, inputidx);
386  rmodel.ErrorEstimator.Enabled= false;
387  tic; rmodel.simulate(mu, inputidx); timer_noerr = toc;
388  rmodel.ErrorEstimator.Enabled= true;
389  [t, yr, timer, xr] = rmodel.simulate(mu, inputidx);
391  if this.UseOutput
392  x = y;
393  xr = yr;
394  est = rmodel.ErrorEstimator.OutputError;
395  else
396  if ~isempty(rmodel.V)
397  xr = rmodel.V*xr;
398  end
399  est = rmodel.ErrorEstimator.StateError;
400  end
401  e = Norm.L2(x - xr);
402  xnorm = Norm.L2(x);
403  erel = e./xnorm;
404  estrel = est./xnorm;
405  xrnorm = Norm.L2(xr);
406  erelr = e./xrnorm;
407  estrelr = est./xrnorm;
409  /* % System plot */
410  xrmin = xr-repmat(est,size(xr,1),1); xrplus = xr+repmat(est,size(xr,1),1);
411  ymax = max([max(x(:)) max(xr(:)) max(xrmin(:)) max(xrplus(:))]);
412  ymin = min([min(x(:)) min(xr(:)) min(xrmin(:)) min(xrplus(:))]);
414  if this.UseOutput
415  ti = sprintf(" The full system "" s output (m=%d,time=%.3f) ",size(x,1),time);
416  else
417  ti = sprintf(" The full system (d=%d,time=%.3f) ",size(x,1),time);
418  end
419  h = pm.nextPlot(" fullsys ",ti," time "," error ");
420  plot(h,t,Utils.preparePlainPlot(x));
421  axis([t(1) t(end) ymin ymax]);
423  if this.UseOutput
424  h = pm.nextPlot(" outputs ",...
425  sprintf(" Full+reduced system outputs with error bounds\n(r=%d,self time:%.3f, time with err est:%.3f) ",...
426  size(rmodel.V,2),timer_noerr,timer),...
427  " time "," y(t) / y^r(t) ");
428  plot(h, t,Utils.preparePlainPlot(x)," b ",...
429  t, Utils.preparePlainPlot(xr)," r ",...
430  t, Utils.preparePlainPlot(xrmin),...
431  " r-- ",t,Utils.preparePlainPlot(xrplus)," r-- ");
432  legend(" Full system "," Reduced system "," Lower bound "," Upper bound ");
433  else
434  h = pm.nextPlot(" redsys ",sprintf(" Reduced system (r=%d,self time:%.3f,\ntime with err est:%.3f) ",size(rmodel.V,2),timer_noerr,timer),...
435  " time "," x^r(t) ");
436  plot(h, t, Utils.preparePlainPlot(xr)," r ");
437  end
438  axis([t(1) t(end) ymin ymax]);
440  /* % Absolute value plot */
441  h = pm.nextPlot(" norms "," The state variable norms "," time "," norms ");
442  plot(h, t, xnorm," b ",t,xrnorm," r ",t,xrnorm-est," r-- ",t,xrnorm+est," r-- ");
443  le = legend(" Full system "," Reduced system "," Lower bound "," Upper bound ");
444  set(le," Location "," NorthWest ");
446  /* Error plots */
447  h = pm.nextPlot(" abserrors ",sprintf(" The state variable absolute errors.\nmean(e)=%g, mean(est)=%g ",mean(e),mean(est)),...
448  " time "," errors ");
449  semilogy(h,t,est," b ",t,e," r ");/* ,t,abs(e-est),'g'); */
451  legend(" Estimated error "," True error ");/* ,'Location','Best'); */
454  /* Relative Error plots */
455  h = pm.nextPlot(" relerrors ",sprintf([" The state variable relative errors (comp. to "...
456  " full solution)\nmean(e_{rel})=%g, mean(est_{rel})=%g "],...
457  mean(erel),mean(estrel)),...
458  " time "," errors ");
459  semilogy(h,t,estrel," b ",t,erel," r ");
460  legend(" Estimated error "," True error ");/* ,'Location','Best'); */
463  h = pm.nextPlot(" relerrors_red ",sprintf([" The state variable relative errors (comp. to "...
464  " reduced solution)\nmean(ered_{rel})=%g, mean(estred_{rel})=%g "],...
465  mean(erelr),mean(estrelr)),...
466  " time "," errors ");
467  semilogy(h,t,erelr," r ",t,estrelr," b ");
468  legend(" True error "," Estimated error ");/* ,'Location','Best'); */
470  if nargin < 4
471  pm.done;
472  end
473  }
476  function pm = plotReductionOverview(pm) {
477  if nargin < 2
478  pm = PlotManager(false,2,2);
479  pm.LeaveOpen= true;
480  end
481  [~,m,~,l] = FindInstance(this.rm.FullModel," IReductionSummaryPlotProvider ");
482  for k=1:length(m)
483  objs = m[k];
484  nobj = length(objs);
485  extra = ;
486  for i=1:nobj
487  if nobj > 0
488  extra = sprintf(" -%d ",i);
489  end
490  context = sprintf(" %s%s (%s) ",l[k],extra,class(objs(i)));
491  objs(i).plotSummary(pm,context);
492  end
493  end
494  pm.done;
495  }
509 };
ModelAnalyzer: Analysis tools for reduced models and approximations.
Definition: ModelAnalyzer.m:17
Collection of generally useful functions.
Definition: Utils.m:17
function pm = analyzeError(colvec< double > mu,integer inputidx, pm)
LogPlot: Class with static functions for logarithmic plotting.
Definition: LogPlot.m:17
function [ el2 , elinf , pm ] = getATDError(pm)
Computes the approximation training error on the full system's trajectory for given mu and inputidx...
function [ PrintTable t , cell matches , parents , cell locations ] = FindInstance(handle obj,char type, varargin)
FindInstance: Locate instances of certain classes within a class or a struct.
Definition: FindInstance.m:17
An integer value.
The KerMor reduced model class.
Definition: ReducedModel.m:18
PlotManager: Small class that allows the same plots generated by some script to be either organized a...
Definition: PlotManager.m:17
Matlab's base handle class (documentation generation substitute)
static function handle p = cleverPlot(handle ax,rowvec< double > x,rowvec< double > y, varargin)
Calls corresponding plot routines depending on the scale of data.
Definition: LogPlot.m:158
function [ t , pm ] = compareRedFull(mu, inputidx)
Compares the solutions of the reduced model and the associated full model by calling the BaseModel...
static function rowvec< double > n = Linf(matrix< double > x)
Returns the discrete norm for each column vector in x.
Definition: Norm.m:73
ModelAnalyzer(models.ReducedModel rmodel)
Definition: ModelAnalyzer.m:53
function [ el2 , elinf , double t , colvec< double > x , fx , afx ] = getTrajApproxError(colvec< double > mu,integer inputidx)
Computes the approximation training error on the full system's trajectory for given mu and inputidx...
PrintTable: Class that allows table-like output spaced by tabs for multiple rows. ...
Definition: PrintTable.m:17
static function char str = implode(char|rowvec data,char glue,char format)
Implodes the elements of data using glue.
Definition: Utils.m:208
static function rowvec< double > n = L2(matrix< double > x)
Returns the discrete norm for each column vector in x.
Definition: Norm.m:39
function [ errs , details ] = getRedErrForParamSamples(integer params,integer in)
Computes the simulation errors (output) for the given model parameters.
Definition: ModelAnalyzer.m:93
Norm: Static class for commonly used norms on sets of vectors.
Definition: Norm.m:17
function pm = plotReductionOverview(pm)
function [ matrix< double > params , errs , details ] = getRedErrForRandomParamSamples(integer num,integer seed, in)
Computes the simulation errors (output) for num random model parameters.
Definition: ModelAnalyzer.m:61
ProcessIndicator: A simple class that indicates process either via waitbar or text output...
static function y = preparePlainPlot(y)
Memory-saving plotting for plain result plots.
Definition: Utils.m:297
function plotRedErrForParamSamples(errs, pm)
\todo implement, so far only plotting in DEIM testing with multiple DEIM m Orders.