KerMor  0.9
Model order reduction for nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear approximation
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New features in Version 0.6

New file-based large data structures, DEIM implementations with error estimators

Submitted to /agh/git/kermor repository on 2012-11-07 Branch name: kermor06

Class approx.algorithms.AAdaptiveBase
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-01-26) Added a new approximation stallment detection. The properties MinImprovePerc and ImproveRange control at which stage the approximation is to be stopped if no sufficient progress in approximation error is made.
Class approx.algorithms.VKOGA
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-02-09) Added this class.
Class approx.DEIM

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-05-30) Added a custom implementation of the getStateJacobian method

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-03-26) Added this class.

Class approx.KernelEI
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-03-26) Added this class.
Class data.ABlockedData
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-07-11) Added this class.
Class data.ApproxTrainData

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-07-18) Moved computation method for approx train data from models.BaseFullModel to here.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-16) Added a new method data.ApproxTrainData.getCombinedData which returns the triples \(x_i,t_i,\mu_i\) as one column matrix.

Class data.AxBlockData
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-09-20) Added this class.
Class data.FileData
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-07-09) Added this class.
Class data.FileDataCollection
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-09-19) Added this class.
Class data.FileMatrix
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-07-09) Added this class.
Class data.FinDiffBlockData
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-09-20) Added this class.
Class data.JoinedBlockData
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-09-20) Added this class.
Class data.ModelData
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-07-10) Created this general class with all detailed data and a root folder where the model's (possible) data resides. The former ATrajectoryData has been split up into this and ATrajectoryData.
Class DPCMDemoClass

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-21) Added this class.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-21) Added this class.

Class dscomponents.ACompEvalCoreFun

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-06-06) Added new methods ACompEvalCoreFun.evaluateJacobianSet and ACompEvalCoreFun.evaluateComponentPartialDerivatives to support jacobian entry evaluation for this class of functions (they inherit the same sparsity access to components). Also updated the test_CompEvalMatch to use random point sets and not only the full set (but that also)

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-05-30) Added the ACompEvalCoreFun.evaluateComponentSetGradientsAt and ACompEvalCoreFun.evaluateComponentGradientsAt methods for efficient jacobian computation of the DEIM approximation. The evaluateComponentGradientsAt default implementation uses finite differences.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-03-26) Added this class.

Class dscomponents.ACoreFun

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-07-16) Removed the CustomJacobian flag as either the default via finite differences is used or an overridden method.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-02-07)

  • Added a new property dscomponents.ACoreFun.CustomJacobian and implemented the default jacobian via finite differences.
  • Removed the IJacobian interface and adopted the affected classes.
  • Implemented a test function to compare both jacobians (custom and FD)

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-27) New property ACoreFun.JSparsityPattern that allows to specify the sparsity pattern of the functions jacobian matrix. Is used for any solver that supports those patterns.

Class dscomponents.AffLinCoreFun
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011) Added an optional offset term \(b\) to the AffLinCoreFun to enable affine-linear affine-parametric core functions.
Class dscomponents.AMassMatrix
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-12-06) Added this class.
Class dscomponents.ConstMassMatrix
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-12-06) Added this class.
Class dscomponents.LinearCoreFun
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-12-7) Implemented the IJacobian interface.
Class dscomponents.PointerInitialValue
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-15) Added this class.
Class error.BaseEstimator

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-09-21) Removed the setReducedModel and replaced it by a estimator-cloning function error.BaseEstimator.prepareForReducedModel, that performs all necessary steps once the reduced model is completely built with all reduced components.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-06-08) Split up the former setReducedModel routine into offlineGenerations and setReducedModel. The first stage is run together with the BaseFullModels offlineGenerations, and the latter for every reduced model created from the full one. (Originally the setReducedModel was to be taken away, but some estimators rely on the effectively projected reduced components of the reduced models)

Class error.DEIMEstimator

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-06-08)

  • Introduced the property JacMatDEIMMaxOrder to control the jacobian DEIM approximation quality
  • Made the JacMDEIM property private
  • Introduced flags for more expensive (comparison-purpose) estimators
  • Removed the ErrorOrder setting as the DEIMEstimator directly depends on the Order setting of the reduced model's DEIM approximation. Setting the DEIM order "remotely" from the error estimator introduced more trouble than necessary
  • Not re-using the previously computed JacMDEIM approximation upon new runs of offlineGenerations (mess)
  • Giving out a warning if no sufficient reduction by the similarity transformation is achieved and disabling it for less than 20% reduction.
  • Using an event listener for the DEIM OrderUpdated event to re-compute local error estimation matrices

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-05-10) Added this class.

Member FindInstance (handle obj,char type, varargin)
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-09-25) Added a cell array of the according locations/paths within the object hierarchy as optional return value
Member FunVis2D (varargin)
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-15)
  • Centers and approximation training data are now plotted completely if the only non-constant dimensions are the ones who are currently plotted (and the corresponding slider is \(>0\)).
  • Extended the center plotting with lines to the values of the full function on the training data if an data.ApproxTrainData class is passed.
Class general.AffParamMatrix

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-02-02) New property AffParamMatrix.TimeDependent which is to be used in order to indicate to KerMor if the affine time/parametric matrix is truly time-dependent.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-02-01)

  • Implementing the project method here directly as doing so outside requires access to the interior of the AffParamMatrix (see dscomponents.AffLinCoreFun)
  • Bugfix for transposition: formerly casted to wrong size dimensions.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-12-09) Added a new method AffParamMatrix.getMatrix (mainly for debug reasons)

Class general.DEIM

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-05-30) Added a custom implementation of the getStateJacobian method

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-03-26) Added this class.

Class general.interpolation.KernelInterpol
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-01-23) Included preconditioning techniques for kernel interpolation according to [9].
Class general.JacCompEvalWrapper
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-06-01) Added this class.
Class general.MatrixDEIM
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-06-04) Added this class.
Class IReductionSummaryPlotProvider
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-09-25) Added this class.
Member ismatrix (value)
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-04-06) Added this function.
Member isposintscalar (value)
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-07-03) Added this function.
Member isposrealscalar (value)
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-07-03) Added this function.
Class KerMor

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-05-3) Added a getGitBranch function to easily access the current branch. This is intended to be helpful on figuring out under which commit a certain simulation was run (and saved)

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-14) Included dbstop if error in the KerMor start script. No more lost data! :-)

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-09) Started KerMor Version 0.6

Class LineSpecIterator

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-07-26) Can now also iterate through colors with the option of excluding some.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-06-08) Added this class.

Class LogPlot
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-05-03) Added this class.
Class models.BaseFirstOrderSystem
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-12-06) Added a new component M, an optional system's mass matrix \(M(t,\mu)x'(t) = f\ldots\).
Class models.BaseFullModel

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-10-10) Added the SaveTag property on this level. It is automatically set according to the model name whenever it is still empty and the models name is set.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-10-08) Added a new read-only property models.BaseFullModel.OfflinePhaseTimes that contains the last offline computation times in a row vector.

Class models.beam.Beam
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-12-05) Added this class.
Class models.beam.CurvedBeam
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-12-05) Added this class.
Class models.beam.DLTNonlinearCoreFun
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-12-07) Added this class.
Class models.beam.Material
(Christoph Strohmeyer, 2011-12-06) Added this class.
Class models.beam.StraightBeam
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-12-05) Added this class.
Class models.beam.StructureElement
(Christoph Strohmeyer, 2011-12-06) Added this class.
Class models.beam.Truss
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-12-09) Added this class.
Class models.burgers.Burgers
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-04-24) Added this class.
Class models.burgers.BurgersF
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-04-24) Added this class.
Class models.burgers.BurgersF_NoA
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-04-24) Added this class.
Class models.burgers.BurgersSys
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-04-24) Added this class.
Class models.burgers.BurgersSys_A
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-04-24) Added this class.
Class models.burgers.Tests
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-06-13) Added this class.
Class models.pcd.BasePCDSystem
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-27) New property BasePCDSystem.SteadyStates that includes the linearized system's steady states for life and death (From "M. Daub: Death wins against life in a spatially extended apoptosis model"). This property is used in the plot methods for the different models.
Class models.pcd.CoreFun1D
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-26) Computing the JSparsityPattern
Class models.pcd.CoreFun2D
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-07-16) Added direct jacobian evaluation function.
Class models.pcd.Tests
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-06-11) Added this class.
Class models.pcdi.InhibitCoreFun2D
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-07-16) Added direct jacobian evaluation function.
Class models.pcdi.Tests
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-06-11) Added this class.
Class models.rbmatlab.RiemBurgFun
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-15) Added this class.
Class models.rbmatlab.RiemBurgSys
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-15) Added this class.
Class MonomialIterator
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-01-20) Added this class.
Class Norm
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-03-29) Added this class.
Class PlotManager

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-09-25)

  • Now can set Figure names explicitly
  • New property DoubleSaveJPG as sometimes on Linux machines the output is useless on one save iteration (has probably to do with multiple monitors?)
  • MinYTickMarks property, that manually adds more Y tick marks if somehow matlab does not add enough. Output is not really pretty, but when it comes down to it its useful.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-07-26)

  • Added a new function createZoom to easily copy a Figure (only in 'Single'-mode) and zoom into a specified area.
  • Now the savePlots method optionally takes an argument separate_legends, that specifies for which selected figure to save the legend should be created as extra file (made for too large legends)

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-06-22) Added a new property NoTitlesOnSave, which enables to suppress any axes titles when savePlots is used.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-06-16) Added a new property UseFileTypeFolders that causes the PlotManager to create subfolders for each file type inside the target directory when using savePlots.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-04-27) Added support to optionally pass title, x- and ylabels for upcoming plots. If those values are given they will overwrite any manually set values. This is done by storing the given values and applying them upon nextPlot/done.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-04-12) Added this class.

Class PrintTable

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-09-19) Added printing support for function handles and improved output for numerical values

(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-07-16)

  • Added an overload for the "ctranspose" method of MatLab; now easy switching of rows and columns is possible. Keeping the HasHeader flag if set.
  • Fixed a problem with LaTeX export when specifying only a filename without "./" in the path
  • Made the TabCharLen a public property as MatLab behaves strange with respect to tabs for some reason.

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-12-01)

  • Added support for LaTeX output
  • New properties PrintTable.Format and PrintTable.Caption
  • Optional caption can be added to the Table
  • Some improvements and fixed display for some special cases
  • New PrintTable.clear method
  • Updated the documentation and test case

(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-17) Added this class.

Class ProcessIndicator
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-03-20) Added this class.
Class sampling.ManualSampler
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-04-26) Added this class.
Class solvers.AdaptiveSemiImplicitEuler
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-05-24) Added this class.
Class solvers.AJacobianSolver
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-27) New property AImplSolver.JPattern that allows to set a sparsity pattern for the ode function.
Class solvers.FullyImplEuler
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-02-03) Added this class.
Class solvers.MLWrapper
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-12-07) Added a new field odeopts which corresponds to the odeset options struct of MatLab. Any values set will be passed to the internal ode23 etc solver.
Class solvers.SemiImplicitEuler
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-05-24) Added this class.
Class testing.DEIM
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-05-03) Added this class.
Member testing.LogNorm.CompLogNorms (m, numt)
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-05-08) Added this function.
Member testing.Speed.BinaryvsMatSave (double fill,integer n,integer m)
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-07-09) Added this function.
Class testing.TestFunctions
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-04-30) Added this class.
Class Utils
(Daniel Wirtz, 2012-04-13) New method "getTube" that allows to draw random vectors from spaces of arbitrary dimension but restricted to a specified tube.
Member Utils.implode (char|rowvec data,char glue,char format)
(Daniel Wirtz, 2011-11-17) Added the possibility to pass a numeric vector plus a format string.